Are Jeremy & Audrey really just gonna take over Amy's house?
If I've missed something along the way, please let me know!
In one conversation, Matt talks about building a house for Jeremy & Audrey right beside him, when he's discussing his compound plans. Jeremy even mentions how close his house would be to Matt's when they're looking at the plans. Then Jeremy is in Zach's living room discussing moving into Amy's house and seeming kinda giddy about it. And, was it Zach that asked how Amy felt about it, and Jeremy responded that he didn't know? Then why would he even mention it to Zach if he had no idea how his mother felt about losing her own home? Doesn't seem very sweet, loving, son-like to me!
At what point is Jeremy just free to pack up his family and take over Amy's house? Was it settled in the divorce that Amy gets the big house? (I know she's also said she's not sure about living so close to Matt post-divorce). At what point in life is it OK for your grown children to pack up their family, arrive on your doorstep, move in & take control of your house? It seems like it's legally AMY'S HOUSE. Like I said, if I'm missing something, please correct me.