MovieChat Forums > Little People, Big World (2006) Discussion > Would Jeremy Feel The Same About Matt?

Would Jeremy Feel The Same About Matt?

I have to wonder if Jeremy would be behaving the same way, if it was Matt that was starting to develop a relationship with another woman? I understand a son being protective of their mother, but I just find Jeremy's behaviour condescending!
Matt and Amy are done, Jeremy and Audrey as well, need to accept that, and allow Matt and Amy to move on.


I think Jeremy realizes that the chances of Matt finding someone else right now are pretty slim. Between Matt just plain being a jerk and his medical problems he isn't a great catch.

I have enjoyed watching Amy the last two episodes. In all the years I have watched them this is the first time I have actually seen her happy. She and Matt basically got married after meeting each other one time at a LPOA convention, which makes it a lot like a mail order marriage.

She now gets to actually date and have a good time.


There is nothing protective about it. Jeremy isnt trying to make sure she is with a good man. He wants her with no man. He and Audrey have both said that they think his parents can get back together and make it work.


There is nothing protective about it. Jeremy isntbtryingbto make sure she us either a good man. He wants her with no man. He and Audrey have both said that they think his parents can get back together and make it work.

Yeah, I'm not sure how so many people seem to have missed the MANY times Jeremy and Audrey have explained how they don't think/believe/feel that the marriage is over and how they think that Amy and Matt should keep trying. Although I do think there is a protective aspect to it as well, it is mostly him being angry/sad/disappointed that she is dating at all.


But he doesn't accept it. So, yes, he would react the same way. Except probably not as strongly, as I think he does also have a protective feeling towards his mom. But is it mostly just his not accepting that his parents' marriage is very much over.


Could it be....

If Amy found another beau and chose to leave the farm, where would that leave the farm financially? Jer and Audrey want the place for themselves someday, so in a sense they might be protecting their interests by keeping suitors away. I'm sure that Amy got just as much in their divorce (50-50?) and could throw a wrench into their future plans if she wants to 'cash out'. Matt would have to either buy her out or sell. Zak and Tori are the smart ones. They aren't waiting to be handed anything and have become independent and are working for their future.


Both zach and Molly have ,are smart choices. They have careers and lives away from the farm. I get the feeling they both remember how many jobs both parents worked before the show to keep the farm working. They are more sensible. Molly is working in accounting, and her and her fiancé are building a life in Spokane. Zach manages the sports place and coaches, invested his show money into a house, and his wife has a career.

Jacob seems happy in California not sure what he is doing. We will have to wait till he is twenty one to see what he does with his money. He didn't get paid less, he simply got denied less access to the money. It is in trust still (the trust and its control was in the divorce papers). It seems his parents withheld money worried how he would spend it. His siblings got access to pay fir college or a house. When Jacob hits twenty one he will have control. He now will have less as he hadn't appeared for two seasons.
