MovieChat Forums > The Wolfman (2010) Discussion > Not even a guilty pleasure.

Not even a guilty pleasure.

Having just watched "The Wolfman" for the first time, I have to say I am very dissappointed by it. Poor characterisation and forced plot, characters lacking proper depth.
I have only seen "An American Werevolf In London" for the first time about a month ago,
and was very impressed not only by the effects that still hold up, but also the narrative pace and blend of dark humour and tension. Unlike this movie.
Nice sets, costumes and the ocasional well-composed shot don't make a good movie, or even one worth watching. The tv-series "Penny Dreadful" does everything what this "movie" does wrong, right.

Even the transformation scenes/make-up, that I had high expectations of, were so un-remarkable.


If you're just now watching American Werewolf in London and you didn't like Wolfman you got some serious problems.


If you thought this movie was good, you have very low standards in movies


Not low standards, just find things different than you. I happen to like this movie very much. Yes it's not the best. But I still like it. I happen to like all of the Universal movie monsters. They are a big reason I love movies and all kinds of them.


Not low, Just different from yours.


I agree it's not that good but I enjoyed it having watched it again earlier this year but only cause it made me LOL! All the villagers hate Larry and his father for no reason and then most of them get killed by their own traps they set for the wolfman.

The mental instution scene where Larry gets put on display in front of dozens of people is pretty hillarious. The whole thing seems more like a parody of the original film than it does an actual horror movie. That's just my opinion though. I don't get how anyone can think it's as good as American Werewolf in London.

Green Goblin is great!


The unrated version fixes the problems you mentioned. In my opinion, anyway.

Except the asylum segments. Those have a Young Frankenstein feel to them and while I understand including them I feel it could have been done in a less cartoonish way. lol

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"
