Completely underrated
This movie is worth a watch. I love it. Also the acting was superb.
shareI have a long story leading up to my opinion and how and why it has changed, which I won't bore anyone with. I don't particularly think that the theatrical version is super underrated (maybe a little but not a lot).
I would recommend that people watch the unrated/director's cut. I just watched that version for the first time and the movie is more complete, makes more sense and is overall better. The extended cut combined with my long story factor (haha) took my rating from a 5/6 to about an 8.
From what I have read the extra content (about 16-17 minutes) was largely removed so that we would be able to get to the first transformation faster. That's pretty unfortunate (if it's accurate) because it really did hurt the film in the end. I guess they were catering to idiots with no attention span so they ended up with an inferior film.
"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"
The cinematography alone in this was worth the price of admission, absolutely gorgeous. Well acted, great direction, decent story, great spfx. It is definitely underrated.
shareAgreed! The performances were incredible, easily one of the best horror movies of the past ten years for me. Del Toro was a perfect Lawrence Talbot.
I thought this movie was too silly. Some might call the first movie silly but at least the villagers in it aren't portrayed as completely judgmental idiots who tell Larry he's a bad person and end up falling into their own traps they set for the wolf man! That and the scene in the mental institution where Larry is put on display during a full moon are things that bring this down for me. I enjoy watching it but it is definetley not one of the best horror movies ever.
1, 2 Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4 better lock your door.
"the scene in the mental institution where Larry is put on display during a full moon are things that bring this down for me."
I don't really see why the display at the sanitarium was an issue. Usually in these types of movies, old Universal horror movies, the Lon Chaney character would warn people, doctors included, of the danger he represents only to have it fall on deaf ears, with everyone leaving offstage, whereupon he undergoes his transformation. Here, it's a unique twist that kind of goes against the grain.
I don't really see why the display at the sanitarium was an issue. Usually in these types of movies, old Universal horror movies, the Lon Chaney character would warn people, doctors included, of the danger he represents only to have it fall on deaf ears, with everyone leaving offstage, whereupon he undergoes his transformation. Here, it's a unique twist that kind of goes against the grain.
As a stand alone film and not comparing it to the classics (I know, it ain’t easy to do), it is satisfying. To echoe what someone else said, the sublime cinematography is a highlight; it is hands down some of the greatest I have seen in any monster film. The performances are first-rate (especially Del Toro’s who is perfect) and the effects are exceptional. Furthermore, the tone and violence are very much over-the-top but I’d be lying if I said that was an issue for me. The story is admittedly a bit underwhelming (gotta watch that unrated version), but altogether this is a grand - if flawed - film.
shareIt is underrated a bit, sure, but it also didn't quite live up to its full potential.
shareThe cinematography, makeup, score, cast and tone are fantastic. The plot and effects were terrible. The producers were too involved and the director was wrong for the film.
shareYeah, pretty much. Although I don't think I hated the effects as much as other people. The CGI wasn't great, but I liked that they had the wolfman be real makeup and stuff. I definitely agree that the director was wrong, but the script was underbaked, too. They set up a lot of interesting psychological tentpoles, but the script was so worried about getting to the next plot point it never dug into anything. It felt very perfunctory.