(Spoilers) Two questions: Was the daughter definitely pregnant? And...
Did anyone else pick up on the fact that the daughter might not actually have been pregnant? Originally she just used it as an excuse as to why she wanted to come home. Then we find out that she murdered somebody putting her original reason in doubt and we are never given any real proof (e.g. doctor's appointment). I'm thinking in the context of the film, the protagonist(s) (costner/hurt) is not reliable because his judgement is clouded by the fact that he is his daughter, hence why he also did not send her to jail (despite Hurt's protestations) and the dream sequence.
The reason she never gives an answer to whether or not she is going to keep the baby is because she will eventually need to say she aborted the baby without telling him when in actuality there was no baby. Or maybe I'm reading into this too much.
Secondly, if Costner really did leave his options re: Cook's character open, what would have happened when Cook killed Costner and returned to an empty apartment? Is this an indication that he was never really going to go through with it? Or maybe he would have left instructions for Cook when he gave him the real gun?
What are your thoughts?
The two of you killed everything I ever loved. **** you both.share