
lost me with the line about a black girl on a see saw. i was already over the little people jokes but that line made me hate this movie.

i'm done with societally acceptable straight white guys who think it's funny to pick on groups that are already marginalized. wow. look at you. so edgy. so real. doing and saying the exact same bigoted *beep* your ancestors have done for the past 500 years. so arty farty.

you bunch of *beep* children.


boohoo, go to tumlbr or reddit if you want to cry about social inequalities. don't be such a baby


Who says it's acceptable? He's supposed to have repugnant qualities. Surely you don't only watch movies where the characters behave in an acceptable way?

Btw, it's funny that this character is a priest-and-innocent-kid murdering contract killer and yet people bitch and moan about his jokes.

I don't know what this says about us. Probably that contract killing is normalized in our entertainment but political incorrectness is not.


exactly. The opener has missed the point entirely.


No, I actually don't only watch movies where people are acceptable, but I also don't get to watch very many movies where the little people or the fat black women are the stars. Why would I sit through a movie where a bigoted contract killer is the star while people who represent the folks who are the butts of their jokes remain on the margins? Is that the kind of satire that punches up or punches down? Seems like punching down to me.


i'm done with societally acceptable straight white guys who think it's funny to pick on groups that are already marginalized

So it's ok for minorities to pick on minorities? Or for gay white males to pick on minorities? Or do you mean it's ok for minorities to pick on white males? There's so much wrong in your post it's astounding. Did you not catch the part where the same white male rips on the little person for his racist rant (which was much worse than the offhand seesaw comment)? No, it's ok because the little person is a minority too and was on coke so it doesn't count. The movie is about a hitman/child murderer, who was apparently socially acceptable, and it's the off color comments that get to you? Grow thicker skin it'll do you some good.

Some day you will die somehow and something's gonna to steal your carbon.


As some other people have mentioned, the main character murdered a child and what sent you over the edge were his racist comments?


At least he killed the kid on accident. But I'm supposed to just shrug off purposeful casual racism? Newsflash: no. He's a reprehensible character to begin with, and I don't see why a whole film should have been dedicated to him. So I stopped watching when I'd had enough, and yup, that's what sent me over the edge.


You are a true fighter for justice. I'm sure minorities are singing your praises, angry internet commenter.

I don't like the way blood money spends.


Not sure if I was angry when I wrote this post. But I do believe the internet is a legitimate forum for expressing your opinions, as long as you're not wasting your time by being a troll. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here either.


Oh waah!! Hopefully some day you PC types will run out of things to be offended by. But probably not.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


Does Silly, Whiny, Cry-Baby count?

Get over yourself. Ray was a character IN A MOVIE.

It begs understanding as to why you would be so touchy about those things and more so, it is a shame that you didn't watch all of it, to garner the more richly presented themes of friendship, redemption and love.


Listen to any non-white entertainer. Comedians especially. All they do is roast white people in VERY offensive (if you're a whiner) ways. But that's ok, right?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
