MovieChat Forums > Jane Eyre (2007) Discussion > Just watched the 2011 version

Just watched the 2011 version

and it made me love this version so much more. That Jane had no life, no spunk or spark. Although I think Fasbender is a good actor, his role was so rushed, both of them, although it was a two hour movie.

I just love this version of Rochester.... perfect!

God loves you as if you were the only person on this earth.


I'd looked forward to the new film for some years, and was very disappointed. Visually, it's stunning. But that is all. It's depressing, with none of the joy and humour and inspiration of the novel. Mia's Jane is sullen and defensive and resentful. And, as you say, the film is too rushed. J and R's love comes out of nowhere.

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!


You just can't do the book justice in two hours.
Knowing all the other versions just makes me love JE 06 more.


You just can't do the book justice in two hours.

No, I don't think you can. 1997 came closest to trying, but that still left a lot out.

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!


Even the 06 version had to rush through her childhood...maybe a 6 hour version will do...


this gets the tone much better too.

We have a pool and a pond...pond be good for you.


Oh well, I can see I'm in the minority, because while I really like this version...Mia has become "Jane" in my mind. Yes the 11 movie is too short and leaves out some of my favorite parts, and Fassbender, while a good Mr R isn't as preferable to me as Stephens. But Mia is what I'd expect a girl to be coming out of the situations she's been in. Actually, I do see that spark and life in her, it's just mostly hidden by years of having to cover and protect her feelings. I see it when she's playing badmitten with Adele and glances over at Rochester, working feverishly digging out a stump. That spark shows through and she lets herself smile. I think we have plenty of flamboyant, witty, grinning Janes to do me...I like a serious one for a change.


I heard that although this is a great story there are parts left out. I have to admit it does come close and is enjoyable. If you are interested in the old classics, then check out some of the Dickens stories produced by the BBS


I liked the 2011 version a lot. It is shorter, so it felt a bit rushed, but I thought that the they still managed to deliver the story very well, I liked the photography, and I liked both leading actors. Fassenberg in particular.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"
