Oh well, I can see I'm in the minority, because while I really like this version...Mia has become "Jane" in my mind. Yes the 11 movie is too short and leaves out some of my favorite parts, and Fassbender, while a good Mr R isn't as preferable to me as Stephens. But Mia is what I'd expect a girl to be coming out of the situations she's been in. Actually, I do see that spark and life in her, it's just mostly hidden by years of having to cover and protect her feelings. I see it when she's playing badmitten with Adele and glances over at Rochester, working feverishly digging out a stump. That spark shows through and she lets herself smile. I think we have plenty of flamboyant, witty, grinning Janes to do me...I like a serious one for a change.