Plot questions
I'm a bit unclear on the plot:
1. There was a scene where the illusionist was seemingly given a wad of cash. This was after he had lost his cash at the car wash. What was that about?
2. Why did he lose his job at the department store window?
3. There was something with the someone trying to give him a shirt or a jacket, just before he finds out he's been replaced in the department store window. What is that about?
4. It seemed like he was auditioning for another role, where he turns the drink into water. Then the drunk fellow shows up, and there is a cut to the car. What happened in the audition? Why didn't he get it?
5. How does he expect the girl to survive when he leaves?
6. Why did he hide from the girl and her boyfriend, behind the coat-rack?
7. In the car wash, wasn't the driver's side window down, and so wouldn't the interior have gotten soaked in the rain? (And would rain really wash off oil?)