...bit of a let down, but still a beautiful let down.
Don't get me wrong, the animation was BEAUTIFUL. So well crafted, so much work went into it obviously, the attention to detail, the movement of light especially was breath taking.... but the story!
was soo depressing. there was no break, no pay off, nothing.
There were many light hearted little moments that made you chuckle, but they didn't really add up to much.
at the end you are left with a spoiled little girl turn young lady whose main concern in life it appears, is to be pretty and have pretty things. IF maybe she had learned some real life skills or something, maybe you would have cheered for her or sympathized/identified with her. Instead she vapidly glides from one (father figure) man to another (boyfriend), waiting to be presented the things she wants. It's just depressing.
and then on top of that you've got suicidal clowns, abandoned rabbits, wheelchair dogs, drunk sad people with broken dreams....and no pay off. It's a very heavy story that almost seems comical in the way they layer on the depressing things.
Even the music felt suicidal.
But still, the animation WAS PHENOMENAL, it just seemed wasted on a story that didn't deliver much in the end.
"Rodents Of Unusual Size?...I don't think they exist"