MovieChat Forums > Broken English (2008) Discussion > What the hell was she talking about?!

What the hell was she talking about?!

When she was with those french guys, she said that the french mothers' are in love with their sons, and then she said it's because of the food. WTF. What does food have anything to do with that? And what does your mother loving your son have anything to do with driving your gf crazy? She was so annoying in this movie.

And do you know what my very first words were? New York Herald Tribune!


Hmm, I'll try to answer your question sincerely. I don't see the point of giving mean or snobbish or sarcastic answers cause it will make the other person mad at me, right?

Well, I would think some mothers are in love with their sons, it could be true for Americans, too. The idea that moms love their sons, and are so proud of their good looks and their accomplishments that a mom fantasizes about having a man like that as their boyfriend or husband, and it is just so happens that that man happens to be their own son! And that carries on the idea that some moms will make trouble for their sons' girlfriends because haven't you heard this before? "She's not good enough for my son." So that mom will basically drive any girlfriends away until maybe she comes a girlfriend she likes or she sort of selfishly keeps her poor, single son all to herself.

As for the character blaming this all on French food, I don't know for sure, but maybe the character is jealous that French food tastes generally much better than American food, so she's irrationally, illogically blaming the taste of French food for French moms falling in love with their sons as a negative consequence of eating French food. It's a completely stupid opinion, but it's an opinion expressed, right or wrong, smart or dumb.

And it's your opinion that the girl in this movie was annoying, that's okay, she was annoying, and you can hate the character for that. I also thought she was annoying, but she did say some non dumb things, and I'm a sucker for any romance movie, sooo it's always nice to see an unhappy, lonely woman in a movie find a guy that at least in movie land thinks she's okay and wants to be with her despite her not being such a really special person. :)


I think she was just joking around and busting their balls a little, which was something she didn't usually do. Meeting those guys at the cafe was a big step for her since she was so shy, and it gave her the courage to joke around with them a bit.


That's how I felt. I was glad she decided to catch up with them.

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