MovieChat Forums > Broken English (2008) Discussion > Why on EARTH does she FREAK out in the b...

Why on EARTH does she FREAK out in the bakery?

OK so she didnt introduce julien to this random dude, Big *beep* deal. he shouldnt have been so pissed. and she really didnt need to kirk out about it.

god she is so overly dramatic about everything. RELLLAAAX


She had a panic attack. They come out of nowhere and that is why she fled. When she got home she took a pill, probably Xanax to calm her down.

I know, I get panic attacks sometimes too.


It seemed to me they had gone out in the past, and he had been another guy who just disappeared or it didn't work out. Now she meets this French guy she's convinced is wasting her time like everyone else, and she can't go back to the safe option in this reappearing guy.



I think she was just really overwhelmed by the fact that she thought she might have ruined things with Julien. She finally found someone that was worth her time and liked her and she (thinks) messed it up.

She TOTALLY turned that around on him though didn't she, LOL?!


It's called a panic attack.


I think it might help if you were single for a long time .. I mean I have been single for a long time ( never really had a serious relationship) and you just kinda of know all the sings that the guy you're seeing will just disappear. So every little ting that happens you just freak about ... I mean meeting the guy in the bakery was just the straw breaking the camel's back. The panic attack basically started when she met Julien, climaxed when he told her he would see other people if they interested him and him saying that there wasn't a contract between them and just sort of erupted with meeting the other guy and Julien just seeming so sad and angry ...

Sure from Julien's stand point he was just meeting this girl and was just in the moment but for a woman whose dated all sorts of men and seen how they sort of squirm when commitment is brought into discussion, he was basically putting up a big red flag.

ask the spokesperson, I don't have a brain


wait wait
but mostly no

Yes 2 the panic
probably brought on by liek the tension b-tweem what is & what was
red flag? Is this a short cut thought process 4 "anything anyone duz is demeaning on some level? If I just abcesss enuf ... on ... it"

'cause aiii gotta shay
there's like a big brite werld out there
nut all the werld is focused on U
pet a dog
hug a shark
plant a vegitable or whatever

OMG I get so so
I donknow like like

U can get happy in the same pant U got pissed in. - Sue


I agree with Loredanaghidarcea a million percent


She is a highly sensitive individual. At least, that's what I gleaned from watching her. Highly sensitive people are extremely sensitive to sounds, sights, moods, events, etc and react accordingly. They are also prone to anxiety due to the overwhelmingness (just go with it) of most feelings.


I didn't read the other replies so my apologies if my theory has already been said. I think Nora freaked out after seeing the one guy (probably yet another former one-night stand) because it reminded her of what Julian would be. Her heart is broken and having a reminder of what's to come probably freaked her out.
