Armie Hammer for Superman?
He's taller and is actually American.
shareBut he's just as poor an actor as Cavill. No, he's worse, because Cavill can be okay when he's allowed to use his real accent!
Really, that's his only advantage, the American accent.
Poor actor? He's perfectly charming in the right role (that does not include TLR or Mirror Mirror). Well then how about Channing Tatum since Gambit is a no-go now.
shareI'm afraid Tatum won't do, he always has a stunned look on his face, like someone just hit him with a big dead fish and he's trying to figure out what to do about it.
No, Superman is a surprisingly difficult role to cast, and even more difficult to make interesting. Not that there was any hope of the latter, as long as Snyder was directing.
"Superman is a surprisingly difficult role to cast, and even more difficult to make interesting".
Agreed, only Chris Reeve got it right. However George Reeves and Dean Cain weren't bad.
Qualifiers: All three of these interpretations never played it too serious. Superman, tho a great character, is just plain ridiculous and that needs to be acknowledged to make the character work in live action. Also Lex Luther needs to be in on the joke.
Chris was the live embodiment of the mid-to-late 60's/early 70's comic book interpretation of Superman. He nailed the discectomy of the two characters. He played Clark goofy but let the audience know that Clark wasn't a goof by giving a subtle wink to the audience. He played Superman as the big blue boy scout. Also Lex Luther as a comic foil was a stroke of genius. Serious Lex hasn't worked in the other movies.
George's overwhelming charm and his obvious winks to the audience are why this show is remembered and revered by some. The show wasn't great but George captured the 1950's spirit of Superman.
Dean Cain was the Seinfeld/Friends interpretation of Superman. The show worked for the time. I haven't seen it recently and have no desire, but I'm sure it doesn't hold up. The show was tongue in cheek and the entire cast played it well, especially Cain. John Shea was a good Lex Luthor.