MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > The Zod, laser eye scene was a little si...

The Zod, laser eye scene was a little silly to me.

You know, where Zod is threatening to kill the family with his laser eyes and it takes him 15-20 seconds to sloooooooowly inch towards them one inch at a time I couldn't help but think one thing. the ***** away. They just sit there trembling in fear as the laser slowly inches towards them. Get up and run, what the hell is wrong with you.


They were panicking and not thinking rationally.




They were stuck in a Zack Snyder movie.

He was so busy looking for a way for heat vision to have a shell casing that can drop to the floor in slow motion, he forgot to write logic into the reactions of the people.


Actually Zack was doing the exact opposite of avoiding logic. Crippling indecision accompanies the biological reaction of being frozen in fear.


So explain why Zod had to turn his HEAD and not his eyes.


The worst part about it all Superman had to do was Fly Straight up

lol...Supermans got Zod in A body and Headlock....Literally all he has to do to end the threat to the family is hold on to Zod and FLY straight up to the air...Zods Heat Vision would just go straight up

thats why I hate that scene, because Superman Literally did the dumbest possible thing that would have resulted in CERTAIN death for the family.....Snapping Zods neck is the last thing Superman should have done in that situation...

You have Zod shooting his heat vision at the family within inches of them...and Superman decided, Hey Lets Break your neck which Require me to JERK your neck Right and Left, in turn would have resulted in the family be Fried by The Heat Vision...

Snyder, The DCEU Killer...The Destroyer of Color, Happiness and Joy, The Man somehow responsible for Making 3 straight Universe hated films that Failed in every possible way...The Man who literally Is responsible for the biggest creative failure in HOLLYWOOD History in "Martha"....50 years from now, "Martha" will still be the most mocked and Made fun of creative failure in history....Snyder The Man who went from BOSS and running the DCEU....To Being Demoted after train-wreck that was BvS....and Then Hilariously was FIRED after delivering an "Unwatchable Cut" of JL...BOSS,DEMOTED....FIRED...

A Man That Literally failed so horrifically with BvS, WB literally took an entire JL film away from him, JL was announced,Greenlit and had release dates to be a 2 parter...Coincidentally within 3 weeks of BvS's release to Universally Hatred....Justice League becomes an "always planned" Just 1 Film....Snyder shit the bed so badly with BvS, It literally caused WB to cancel a JL film because they didnt trust him...hilariously....Snyder somehow went from Writing,Producing and Directing 2 Justice League completely Losing 1 and being Fired from the other.

Never in the history of Hollywood Cinema has 1 man failed so Publicly and to such a shocking extent....

and The Old "Snapping of the neck" was pretty much start of a unprecedented 4 year reign of absolute and total failure the likes of which has never been seen and Will never be seen again...


LMAO... Don't hold back... tell us how you REALLY feel.


LMAO... Don't hold back... tell us how you REALLY feel.


PS I probably should have added ...MOS is my favorite DCEU film...

MOS is actually in My 10 favorite CBMs

unfortunately, Snyder followed it up with 2 of the worst Comic books movies ever made...and I feel really conflicted about even Calling Justice League a movie because its truly not. Its a Frankenstein monster of scenes edited together to total a 2 hour runtime

I actually was a huge Snyder fan until the moment I saw BvS.

I love Dawn of The Dead, 300 Is a personal favorite, and despite MOS having HUGE problem(dear god tornocide is just beyond comprehension, How that idea ever got past the "what if " stage is beyond me) but I really Love the movie.

BvS was my most anticipated movie ever...IMO The first 2 trailers were Perfect...literally among the greatest trailers I've ever seen.

Ill never forget the feeling I had sitting in theaters watch shocked is not even close to the right words, It was almost like I was dreaming, I truly had a hard time accepting the reality of what was happening...Never in a million years could I have imagined WB and Snyder Screwing up this Important and Huge of a movie this horrifically bad.

I left that theater Literally speechless.

BvS was a once in a lifetime film...Literally a movie with a concept Fans had waited thier entire lives to see....and somehow WB and Snyder made one of the worst Movies of all time.....I honestly do not think there could be a worst version of that film made...

There are hundreds of directors in Hollywood, all of them would have made A different movie if given the chance and opportunity....and many would have screwed up and made a bad movie too, but If we could see A "what if " scenario....I do not believe anyone, any director could have made worst version of BvS.

somehow, WB and Snyder Literally Made the worst Possible version of a "Once in a lifetime film"

the only thing more astonishing to me than the awfulness of BvS....Is how Snyder returned to direct JL.

WB deserved their fate


If You watch BvS and Then Knowingly Brought Snyder back to direct Another DCEU film.....You deserved your fate....

WB deserved "Mustachegate".

WB deserved Snyder shitting the bed again by delivering an "unwatchable" first cut where Superman was Evil, all action scenes took place at night and was drained of all color and joy, where Cyborg Died and had an Doom and Gloom ark....

WB deserved to have to bring in a new director to fix Snyders shitshow

WB deserved to have to spend 400 M+ trying to make this film

and WB deserved for it to BOMB at the box office and Lose between 60 to 100 Million on the film...

The Moment WB watched BvS and didnt fire Snyder....They deserved their fate...


Zod just would have used his own flying mechanism to "fly" downward himself to prevent Superman from carrying him upward. They would have gone nowhere.


Zod just would have used his own flying mechanism to "fly" downward himself to prevent Superman from carrying him upward. They would have gone nowhere.

well in that case Zod would used in own similar Strength as Superman to stop Superman from Snapping his neck...resulting in Zod's Neck not moving and going nowhere.

lol Epic Fail


That's different. 🙄


That's different. 🙄



got to think it through before posting...


Yeah, and 50 years from now I'll be mocking M. Night Shyamalan(one of your favorite directors if I'm not mistaking) for shitting the bed by literally ruining both "Unbreakable" and "Split" with his disaster train wreck "Glass" that literally hit you pretty hard didn't it... poor baby, lol!

Just out of curiosity if a Marvel movie royally screwed up would you be bashing and mocking it the way you do to the DCEU? My guess would be no cause you're just to biased towards DC for that to ever happen.


Just out of curiosity if a Marvel movie royally screwed up would you be bashing and mocking it the way you do to the DCEU? My guess would be no cause you're just to biased towards DC for that to ever happen.


again this is at least the 10th time youve done this Please check my history before making EPIC FAIL statements.

the answer to this is unequivocally Yes

I hate Age Of Ultron and Iron Man 3 with a burning Passion

On the IMDB, I made my opinion very clear that the "Mandarin twist" is Among the worst creative failures in History.

for me personally, AOU is the most disappointing movie of all the level of anticipation I had and giving how much I love The Avengers....AOU is a complete failure for me and I blame it totally on Whedon.

My stance of these films are well known, If you could just do a little research before putting your foot in your month you would see these things....I just do not think you THINK before posting...I think something POPS into your head, you get excited and then immediately want to post truly have done this almost every time you respond to me...

damn near every respond I send to you is ..."Check My history"....because whatever you said was wrong and had you just took a few seconds to look at my history before posting you could have saved yourself some embarrassment"

Im sorry, You cant claim I'm biased...because I'm history just doesnt show it.

I hate IM3 and AOU.....

I feel Thor 2 is Marvel Studios weakest effort, I feel the film is the very definition of A cash grab and average. I do not feel the feel is bad...just completely average, nothing special about it...

since the day I saw Black Panther, I've been on record, I feel Its extremely overrated...and now with 7 Oscar Nom's....IMO Its literally the most overrated film in History...IMO Black Is a good movie, Maybe a 7.5 to 8 out of 10....But Its not worthy of 7 oscars,a 97% on RT, and 700 M+ domestically...IMO I feel the movie has drastically overperformed in due to its cultural impact...

The real different here is....Marvel Studios has made 20 movies in the last decade and 17 of the 20 have been good to great(at least to me)...

DC has made around 10(TDK,Watchmen,Green Lantern,TDKR,MOS,BvS,SS,WW,JL,Aquaman)...and 5 have literally been among the worst comics book movies ever made!!!(both IMO and based on the facts and data...Literally 5 of the worst CBMs ever made)

this isnt a case of Biased...This is simiply One studios producing Higher quality films...

You wrongly think I'm biased because Marvel Studios has produced a 17 to 3 Ratio of CBM's that I like.

Meanwhile DC is producing a 5 to 5 ratio, With 4 out of 6 DCEU films being awful.

Believe me...If AOU and IM3 were made in the last would be accusing me of being biased toward DC...

the facts are...Marvel Is just making better films and have drastically fewer awful films.

Yeah, and 50 years from now I'll be mocking M. Night Shyamalan(one of your favorite directors if I'm not mistaking) for shitting the bed by literally ruining both "Unbreakable" and "Split" with his disaster train wreck "Glass" that literally hit you pretty hard didn't it... poor baby, lol!


please tell you checked my history before making this...PLEASE...

you couldnt possibly fail this horrifically...

you can not insult someone with their own WORDS you gigantic idiot...

I am the one who is on the Glass board saying Its a total train wreck, and The ending is right up there with "Martha" in BvS as the biggest creative failure in film history...

I am the one saying Its rare theres a film so Horrifically potential ruins the movies that came before it...but Glass is that movie.

you cant just repeat the exact things I'm saying and then say them back to me as an insult...

Yes Glass Is all those things...basically your agreeing with me...thanks?

PS...I know why you mentioned Glass here...and I must say it brings me great JOY...

Its clear, You got extremely angry and upset that I mentioned "Martha" in BvS and reminded you of its astonishing failure....


"Martha"....I mean....."Hey our moms have the same names? lets be friends"....Is truly the most mocked moment in Movie history...It will stand the test of time and forever be remembered as the biggest creative failure in movie history.

Its clear, by me saying it on the Glass Board, The Pain and memories of that Embarrassing moment triggered you and resulted in you following me over here to "retaliate"

its quite funny actually...You pop up every now and then and respond with some hate fueled rant at me...But Its always quite easy to pin point what triggered you...

every now and then i say something that gets your blood boiling and you just have to respond...Hilariously though...every time you do it , you never think before posting and end up saying something where you could have just checked my history and saved yourself some embarrassment...

In this case you prematurely tried to claim I'm biased and wouldnt hate on MCU films...when my history clearly shows I do...

then in an epic failure, You repeated MY EXACT words about Glass back to me, in an attempt at an insult that only makes sense to you

all this Epic failure by you because you got angry at me bringing up The Universally Mocked and Brutally Torn to shreds creative failure that is "Martha"

just deal with it...Zack Snyder and DC are responsible for the biggest creative failure in hollywood history...accept and move on...

Thats why I what I did....IMO Both Glass's ending and IM3's Mandarin twist is up there with "Martha"(although I admit "Martha" stands alone at the top of ALL TIME failures) The facts are Glass's ending and IM3's Mandarin twist is at least in the same league....

I dont spend time denying it or being desperately angry...I dont get triggered when someone brings them...I accept they were disasters, I am disappointed by them...but I've moved on.

Its clear the pain and embarrassment of "Martha" is still very much bothering you....its over its done....try to find peace


Just out of curiosity if a Marvel movie royally screwed up would you be bashing and mocking it the way you do to the DCEU? My guess would be no cause you're just to biased towards DC for that to ever happen.


PSS more on this...

I remember in 2013 on IMDB boards like DC fans...there was a bunch of desperate Marvel fans trying to defend the Mandarin twist..

now in this case it was kinda difficult to really argue with them because the facts were, The film did get decent reviews(IMO much better than deserved) and overall the movie was liked by the majority...

still though, For the most part, most CBM fans hated the twist, even Marvel fans...but there were a few MCU fans that defended it at all cost.

My favorite part about this was....No matter what These MCU fans would never admit the Mandarin twist was a mistake .......EVEN after time went by and Marvel studio made one of those short videos where Marvel Studios is on record saying its thier way of fixing the Mardarin Twist and APOLOGIZING to fans

the real key to these desperate MCU fans case were, They claims Trevor was the real Mandarin, from the moment the film came out to even after the short came out

Most CBM's fan hated the fact that the Mandarin turned out to be such an embarrassment, They rightfully pointed out, Trevor was NOT the actual Mandarin...Just a drunk actor playing a role.

But the desperate MCU fans claimed...Trevor was the real Mandarin because There was no proof a real Mandarin exists in The MCU.

so Then years later marvel makes and release the short where they make it 100% clear, There is a real Mandarin In The MCU RIGHT Now....and Trevor is not the real Mandarin...

The short end with them breaking Trevor out of prison and telling him they are taking him to see the real Mandarin who is very angry he stole his identity.

again 100% confirmation, Marvel Studios is admitting the Mandarin twist was a Creative failure, Marvel Studios Made this short to try and fix such a huge mistake


those desperate MCU fans.....pulled an all this day Its truly one of the best examples I've ever seen of DESPERATE fan boys going to delusionally depths...

so did those MCU fans finally admit ...Ok Trevors not the mandarin and The twist in IM3 was a mistake?

no....without shame....They came up with a theory that....The Ending meant ....They were going to break Trevor out of jail...Kill Him, and Then Trevor would meet the real Mandarin In The

yes, to keep the desperate claim alive that Trevor was the real Mandarin and The twist in IM3 was good...

These desperate fans decided to claim....There may have been a "Myth or Legend" thousands of years ago that People worshiped as The Mandarin...

and The People that broke Trevor out of prison were present day worshipers that were angry he stole their "God's" name...and were going to break him out of prison and kill him so Trevor could then meet him in the afterlife...

lol all this....because they didnt want to accept the IM3 twist was a fail and Trevor wasnt the real Mandarin.

if you havent seen the Marvel short, watch it....

anyways,,,just wanted to tell that always stuck with me...

You should honestly consider giving up responding to me Lady...

you get so angry and then post these hate fueled replies....but everything you say in them is always wrong because you didnt check my history before posting

either give up responding to me....Or decide to simply THINK Before Posting...dont get so worked up and angry

Just literally say to yourself, Ok Im getting ready to accuse billbrown of being biased toward Marvel and claim he would never hate on An MCU film for "royally screwing up"....maybe I should check his history and see if he actually in fact is guilty of this behavior I'm about to accuse him of....

believe in or not...

just 3 days ago I talked about my level of hatred for IM3 and The Mandarin twist and called in one of the biggest creative failures in History....Had you just took 2 mins to look at my history you would have seen it....again this is at least the 10th time you've done this.......settle down, think before posting or just dont respond to me anymore ....


Frankly I was okay with that scene and I think it's dumb people complain about Superman snapping Zod's neck when in Superman 2 he turns Zod and his lackeys into humans, crushes Zod's hand, smashes him into the wall of the cave, and sends him falling to his death. And no! You can't count that stupid deleted ending where he is still alive! No! Superman killed Zod in Superman 2 and anyone who says otherwise is a fool!
