MovieChat Forums > Drive (2007) Discussion > Couldn't they... just take this to a BET...

Couldn't they... just take this to a BETTER network?

Seriously, why can't the cast and the show producers get together and just say, "Oh, you don't want us, FOX? Okay. Then we'll just be over there with a network that will give us a chance! Good-bye."

That's what got "Family Guy" AND "Futurama" back on the air and kept several of Fox's other cancelled shows going for the long haul. Why can't they just tell FOX to stick it and go to another network. Other shows have done this when they wanted to survive and THRIVE. Heck, radio host Howard Stern even moved when he saw greener grass on satellite radio. I bet NBC would welcome "Drive" with open arms and an open checkbook. Or even better, take it to HBO. They're closing up shop with "The Soprano's" and "Drive" would be a good move for a new show.


Fox owns the show. The producers can't shop it anywhere because it's not theirs to sell. It is the same that happened to the Inside. Fox thinks it doesn't have enough of a following, cancells it and it's never seen again. No DVD, nothing. The producers can't do a damn thing.

WHY Minear wanted to do business with these bastards is beyond me after the shabby way he was treated with Firefly, WOnderfalls and The Inside.

"Cate Blanchett is a creature sent by the gods to delight us."


Actually Jumping networks is a good Idea in principle the problem is how long will the show last .....Take the SciFi channel deciding to pick up Stargate SG1 After it was been dropped .big big risk which just paid off , who knew it would last 10 seasons. Drive has too narrow an Initial Plot for it to last, so the risk of another network picking it up really wouldn't be worth it.


Never ceases to irritate me that Fox holds on to the rights of its cancelled shows with such a death grip...


It's not just going to another network.For every show now hitting the chopping block Family Guy is mentioned.Well FG not only found a faithful audience fans also snapped up the DVD boxst in record numbers.That's what made Fox sit up and take notice.Fans spending money along with watching the show! And it didn't come back overnight.Are fans of Drive willing to do the time? FG was cancelled twice and off the air 3 yrs!


NBC canceled baywatch and "the HOFF" took it to syndication and it became the number 1 show in the world. i doubt fox would allow anyone else to take one of their canceled shows after NBC's major mistakes.
