MovieChat Forums > Drive (2007) Discussion > Let's make this another 'Jericho'

Let's make this another 'Jericho'

Jericho is the CBS show that was cancelled, but then enough people wrote in saying they wanted it back and CBS decided to continue it, right now they are in teh process of reairing the first season as they are filming the second season to air in the fall or spring.

Anyway, lets make "Drive" the same way...let's keep telling Fox we want it back until its back-it was getting to be such a good show.


CBS unfortunatley =/= Fox

Nathan Fillion keeps on getting screwed by Fox...he should really move to a different network. If Firefly didnt come back because of fox...I wouldnt give this show much hope.


Fox cancelled Dark Angel, nuff said.


Oh my God! Dark Angel was aired by Fox?!?!Jesus H. Christ!!!!Someone please stop this network!!!


CBS listened to the Media attention that the Jericho movement got, more than just the fans writing in.


The main problem is that Jericho is very unexpensive... the biggest cost is the cast that is certain to be reduced when the show returns for its last stint. Drive is the most expensive show that was produced this year (except Studio 60 but that was mostly due to Perry's salary). Fox won't pay for the last episodes to be produced... It's Fox... Why would they spend money producing expensive TV shows, even UNexpensive excellent shows like Standoff when they can make zillions of bucks with American Idols and all their moronic "reality" shows where all they need is a backdrop and some lighting and people actually SPONSOR them by calling in to vote for who's the biggest loser of all contestants? Why?

On a side note, I agree with ozziethesaint, Jericho fans are so convinced THEY brought the show back when all they did was attract the attention of E and all such media who have nothing to say after network season, with a stunt. And the network went "mmm... publicity... yummy... how can we make it look like we listened to the fans while milking this for all its worth and very little money"
If anything, it was the first ever publicity campaign paid for by fans and it's the worst that could happen to TV! We already are just commercial viewers to CBS, Fox et all, if we gave to start paying for them to make money, that's taking it a liiiittle too far for me...

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


but there's a difference. the creators of jericho didn't give away their upcoming plot ideas on the internet.

besides that, there's the big question of whether or not the fans of drive are as dedicated to their show as were the fans of jericho. and let's not forget the media attention the fans managed to dredge up for that particular show. and, also, as many people have already said, FOX and CBS are two different networks. who's to say that FOX will give a damn if you, say, send a bunch of toy cars in the mail to them?


you work for FOX dont you!!!

You can't take the sky from me!


calm down, kid. what are you? twelve?

i liked this show, but it's gone. some people need to get over it; it was nice while it lasted.

nothing wrong with that.


kid? what are you 20? you just like getting under people's skin...

You can't take the sky from me!


(i'm beyond twenty, in case you're curious.)

getting under people's skin? why? because i gave the reality of the situation? or is it because you don't agree with what i said? i suggest you come to terms with that, because you'll find plenty of people who don't share the same opinion as you (which doesn't necessarily mean that that said person is trying to get "under people's skin").

you like starting arguments for the hell of it, don't you? stop taking things so personally; it's just the internet, really. also, my original comment wasn't directed at you and had nothing to do with you.

what kind of person replies to a serious post with "you work for FOX dont you!!!"? unless, of course, you were joking. please tell me you were joking, because if you were actually serious... oh jesus.


Don't really care how old you are...

but its obvious its not about your opinion... You're looking for a fight... An argument... Not agreeing with you is not an issue, all people are entitled to their opinions... But the reality of the situation is beyond your comprehension, this is only your take on reality...

and OMG, for you to take the sarcasm and silliness of my Fox employment comment serious? Really...

it's not that big of a deal; but you come to a board where people are attempting to bring a show back... or at least wanting to share their opinion or feelings about the similarity... You are entitled to your opinion but your comments came off as being more of a buzz kill...

You can't take the sky from me!


(and i don't give a damn if you care or not. but that wasn't the point--i was being facetious.)

oh my. you're ridiculous. the reality beyond my comprehension? heh. i gave you the reality, yet you tried to start a fight because you didn't agree. hell, i didn't even give you the reality. i wasn't responding to you, but you can't seem to comprehend this. if i've offended you, then that's your problem--you shouldn't have responded to my post so childishly. do you even know what i was originally discussing, or are you just so blinded by your own irrational (and even misplaced) anger that you're reading only what you want to read? I'll make it clearer for you:

i was originally responding to the OP, bringing up points as to why the continuation of this series would be difficult (in comparison to the other show). that is my opinion and a very valid one. i wasn't starting an argument--i was giving the reality of the situation. apparently, you're so eager to start an argument with anyone that you'll take a simple, indifferent (emotionally) post and turn it into fodder for a fight.

but maybe you wouldn't have been so upset if i had put a bunch of smiley faces all over my post. would it be less threatening to you then? it seems you are so insulted by my honesty that you've taken my posts as a personal insult towards you. good for you, kid.

yes... of course you were only joking when you said "you work for FOX dont you!!!". yeah...right. regardless of what i believe, if you wanted to reply to me, you could have simply pointed out that you didn't agree. acting like you did is what prompted this whole thing. really... i came here to discuss things--and guess what? this forum is for everyone, not just like-minded people. you want to continue this stupidity? go right ahead.


this started because I was joking about a comment...

and you wanted to act like some bigger person calling somebody a kid because of a light hearted comment...

or do you need to go back and look at the posts? All I said was you work for Fox, dont you! Which would seem apparently rhetorical...

and if you were being facetious about your age I doubt that you would have added that you mentioned "in case you were curious."

But see, you kept it going... You could of let it go but it seems like you have a desire to prove that you are a bigger person and or are right about something...

I'm not trying to win an argument, especially one that is not winnable, you take things way too personal and serious...

Just let it go... Its not hard... be like Fox and let it go...

You can't take the sky from me!


Fox sucks. ABC sucks. Is there any network that doesn't routinely cancel good shows?

Help us SAVE the show TRAVELER.


Unfortunately, the term 'good' is a relative term... Some people think that 'Dancing with the Stars', 'Survivor - whatever' and "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader' are 'good' shows! Personally, I think they all suck! I thought HBO's 'Carnivale' was a good show, but I doubt that it will ever be brought back, but I don't see 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', which I thought was one of the most idiotic shows ever made, ever getting axed.

Shows like 'Drive', 'Firefly' and 'John Doe' tend to make people think. They show that people can and do think for themselves, and not only that, but they tend to encourage it. The 'Powers That Be' don't want you to think for yourself! They want sheep that are easily swayed one way or another... But that is a discussion for another forum. Suffice it to say that the best shows are the ones that make you think, and those are the shows that will continually fail


I think with Jericho they sent a TON of nuts to the network office to tell them how nuts they were to cancel the series. Here's the scoop on that:

Letter from CBS
June 6, 2007

To the Fans of Jericho:


Over the past few weeks you have put forth an impressive and probably unprecedented display of passion in support of a prime time television series. You got our attention; your emails and collective voice have been heard.

As a result, CBS has ordered seven episodes of "Jericho" for mid-season next year. In success, there is the potential for more. But, for there to be more "Jericho," we will need more viewers.

A loyal and passionate community has clearly formed around the show. But that community needs to grow. It needs to grow on the CBS Television Network, as well as on the many digital platforms where we make the show available.

We will count on you to rally around the show, to recruit new viewers with the same grass-roots energy, intensity and volume you have displayed in recent weeks.

At this time, I cannot tell you the specific date or time period that "Jericho" will return to our schedule. However, in the interim, we are working on several initiatives to help introduce the show to new audiences. This includes re-broadcasting "Jericho" on CBS this summer, streaming episodes and clips from these episodes across the CBS Audience Network (online), releasing the first season DVD on September 25 and continuing the story of Jericho in the digital world until the new episodes return. We will let you know specifics when we have them so you can pass them on.

On behalf of everyone at CBS, thank you for expressing your support of "Jericho" in such an extraordinary manner. Your protest was creative, sustained and very thoughtful and respectful in tone. You made a difference.


Nina Tassler
President, CBS Entertainment

P.S. Please stop sending us nuts :-)

NUTS for Jericho: Success
...orders..$$.... weight
NY 3,679 $41,143 30,270 lbs
LA 1,103 $13,831 10,108 lbs
total 4,782 $54,974 40,378 lbs
Over 20 TONS of Peanuts to CBS!!
(that's about 8 million peanuts!!)

Jericho 1 day record:
10,000 pounds hit CBS NY on 5/29!!!

Yeah, you better give me the insurance. Because I'm gonna beat the hell out of this thing.
