MovieChat Forums > Drive (2007) Discussion > If they decided to go as a book series.....

If they decided to go as a book series...

Would you read it? Instead of a weekly episode, a novella. Maybe a series of 20 books over a period of 3 - 5 years? They already had an idea where the show was going, and had 7 scripts for the seven already made episodes. Why not a book series?

Dangit, I wanted to see this story.



Yep. 20 books sounds like too many. I wonder if Tim would allow it and help. Or how about a comic book series. I'd buy that.

Now that you mention it, that may be a better idea. A series of graphic novels perhaps? I could get into that.


I think this is a great idea! The story and style of Drive would translate really well to a comic, and I'd sure as hell buy it!

A blog about TV shows:


This show would kick serious ass as a graphic novel.

I only do it with superheroes.
