Just happened to watch this show today via iTunes. Unbelievably cool show: great writing, acting, etc. As compelling as LOST with better action. How in the world did Fox get off cancelling this show? Were they like, "oh dear, we've made another excellent show. How shall we fumble and misplay this golden opportunity at success?? Let us see... the Firefly method should be sufficient!" What colossal d-bags.
god your dumb. believe it or not, networks are generally interested in making money, if the show doesnt get enough viewers to make it worth continuing they cancel it, it doesnt matter how good the show is.
I don't know if you know this little fact, but Fox is probably the only Production Company/Channel to actually take succesful shows and kill them off OR never give them a chance in the first place.
Married with Children is the perfect example of this. They aren't interested in making money and there are other example to this fact.
They tweak showtimes for some great shows until they are lost in the shuffle and die off. This is exactly like Firefly but at least Firely got a chance...sorta. (if you watch family guy regularly you'll know what I mean because when they came back they listed them all and obviously included themselves in all of this)
And whatever happened to episodes 4-5 of Drive??? They said that they would air them but I couldn't find them.
a little truth to all of this. thing with fox is that have never really found their voice. they have tried shows like firefly and drive, but there really isnt money in them. the way they see it (and most networks) if girls from age thirteen to mid twenties arent watching it then it isnt worth continuing. CW is getting rid of wrestling for this reason. if one of these shows catches on and becomes huge then they will go with it, but other wise it is cut.
the argument is that girls are shoppers. men will buy things for their things no matter what, but they dont tend to reinforce a brand. without licensing theirs no back end.
What you said about young girls is absolutely true. The male population of this country, and of the world, is so in need of affection that it trickles down from women wanting something in hard copy to men buying it for them in hopes that something in the form of power, self-esteem, and control can come their way.
it was 5 and 6.. t8hey were aired online (not sure fi still after they were sappsoed to be aired jluy 4th then july 14th
im soo pissed at how they ended it... Alex Tullys makes a exchange.. his partner for like a chip with teh answers and when she goe sin the van.. guys whos there in the back with her?!
___________________ Cloverfield 2 is official! J.J. Abrams said on July 27th 2008!
Every time a good show is cancelled a FOX exec get's his wings.
Honestly I don't get why they can't at very least let a show finish a full season, let all of the episodes air and then make a decision. Shows need time to get a consistant audience, they used to do this well with Simpsons and Married With Children, they gave both shows a chance to get their audiences and built them up slowly until they became the big memorable hits that they became. Now though if you're not a huge hit right out of the gate then you get axed before the credits roll on the 4th episode.
The simple fact of the matter is this: The head of Fox Studios Rupert Murdoch is an idiot and he has bought over several media studios without actually understanding how they work - he made his name in the print industry and thinks that ALL businesses run the same way. He IS good at identifying profit-making ventures and buying them over - he has NO idea however, on actually running them. He doesn't like dissent or opposing views so he staffs his outlets with like-minded individuals, yes men or lawyers with no background or understanding of how storylines or drama work.
A very good example of this is an interview he did with Empire magazine in 1993 where he basically made fun of Robin Williams for making a flop movie like 'Toys' while praising Arnold Schwarzenegger for providing hits like 'Terminator 2' - and hyping up Arnold's upcoming 'The Last Action Hero' from his own studios.
The Result: Robin Williams had a monster hit with 'Aladdin' and went on his best hit streak with 'Jumanji', 'The Birdcage' and 'Patch Adams' all making over 100 Million while 'The Last Action Hero' was a flop. Shows what he knows.
I mean, he fired Bill Mechanic - the guy who green-lighted Titanic - Fox's biggest moneymaker EVER - why? Because 'Fight Club' - yes 'Fight Club' (!!!) did not make money. Now, Bill argued that Fight Club WILL make a bigger profit overall on DVD and Video -but he still got cut. DiCaprio, Scorcese and Cameron all threatened to bolt Fox Studios but to no avail - Now everybody still remembers Fight Club ten years on, but nobody can recall 'Entrapment', 'What Les Beneath' or 'Cast Away' which were bigger hits. So Mechanic WAS right. But this is still symptomatic of the short-sightedness of Fox Studio executives - these guys hardly EVER watch TV, understand their nuances or want entertainment that makes them THINK.
Just remember if TV execs had their way and canceled every series with had low ratings, 'Gunsmoke', 'The Twilight Zone' and 'Seinfeld' would be footnotes in TV history. Just a thought .....
this show didn't have better action than Lost, it's all about who is watching you might have liked it but apparently alot of people didn't.
I liked the idea kind of a cannon ball run type of situation, but they made the show a little crazy with all the side crap off the road, that was when I lost all interest.
Yes they are a business and they are trying to make money, why does everyone not want businesses to make money, that is quite ignorant to think that they shouldn't be trying to make money. They also have an obligation to entertain yes, and they shouldn't have cancelled Greg the Bunny, but that's life it's just TV get over it.