I've took Rome six times. Five in Rome Totall War, (first with the Julii, than with the Brutii, than with the Britans, than with the Cartaginians)
once in Medieval II Total War. (with the Moors, I've send the Papacy in exile, killed seven Popes and bribed another to leave outside of Rome, next to some road, like a peasaint. HA HA ! )
if's are big dilimma.what if alexander had lived and taken rome and made it another greek province?then how would history changed.many things could of happen but didn't so why even speculate on them.
Hannibal never could have taken Rome. This movie is somewhat inaccurate to that end.
After his victory at Cannae, Hannibal expected to find Rome on it's knees, instead he found they were on their walls. Hannibal did not have the equipment to besiege Rome, and even if he did, siege warfare is slow and costly, and not suited to Hannibal's command style.
But even if he had the siege equipment, he still could not have marched to Rome, his army would have starved, supply lines were stretched thin enough as it was, and he could not afford another pitched battle.
Hannibal was the first in a long line of great military commanders who were excellent tacticians, but poor strategists. Eventually, Rome's assault on Spain, and then Carthage itself, put an end to his campaign in Italy. Scipio Africanus used many of Hannibal's own tactics (and even his former Numidian cavalry mercenaries) to defeat him, demonstrating once again that Roman willingness to adapt was key to their military success.
You are wrong at some points. Hannibal DID WANT a pitched battle, in fact he needed one more cannea and he knew he could get it but the Romans had leart there lesson (the hard way) this time and avoided a pitched battle at all cost untill Zama. Hannibal could have laid siege but he preferred a pitch battle but that didnt come so he waited and he thought about laying siege on Rome but then he got called back to Africa just when he was marching to Rome.