Why they killed the sequel?
There were supposed to be a sequel; they even shot some scenes but for some reason they killed the project. Anybody know why?
shareThere were supposed to be a sequel; they even shot some scenes but for some reason they killed the project. Anybody know why?
shareFunding, and I think Cronenberg is blacklisted by most studios now, for his "outlandish" nature. Not sure about the latter, but I know there are rumors about it, but I know funding was a major part as studios pulled out.
shareI heard rumors elsewhere that it was blackballed. It was made too real-to-life due to the accurate writing. Therefore, the sequel will never gain funding. I wasn't even able to find it here in the states, had to order it from Japan through E bay. I rented it through RedBox when it first came out on those but I couldn't find it anywhere afterward. I found that extremely strange.
shareDude, it just aired on Cinemax. No one is blackballing $hit.
The idiot formerly known as Heez.
I know. It's been gaining more and more air time for 3 weeks now, thanks though. The SEQUEL is what this post is discussing. Pay attention and read through before commenting, Dude!!! <I'm 33 and haven't said Dude in 8 years. You must be a burn out. It's kind of obvious.>
share1) You made a comment. I responded to your comment. If it has nothing to do with the thread, don't bring it up.
2) Yeah, you're so super mature and stuff. I'm 31, I use the word dude constantly, and you're goddamn right I smoke a lot of weed. I have no problem admitting it, because I'm comfortable with who I am. Anybody who takes pride in not using some stupid word for years obviously isn't. Grow up, kiddo.
The idiot formerly known as Heez.