MovieChat Forums > Eastern Promises (2007) Discussion > Why they killed the sequel?

Why they killed the sequel?

There were supposed to be a sequel; they even shot some scenes but for some reason they killed the project. Anybody know why?


Funding, and I think Cronenberg is blacklisted by most studios now, for his "outlandish" nature. Not sure about the latter, but I know there are rumors about it, but I know funding was a major part as studios pulled out.


I heard rumors elsewhere that it was blackballed. It was made too real-to-life due to the accurate writing. Therefore, the sequel will never gain funding. I wasn't even able to find it here in the states, had to order it from Japan through E bay. I rented it through RedBox when it first came out on those but I couldn't find it anywhere afterward. I found that extremely strange.


Dude, it just aired on Cinemax. No one is blackballing $hit.

The idiot formerly known as Heez.


I know. It's been gaining more and more air time for 3 weeks now, thanks though. The SEQUEL is what this post is discussing. Pay attention and read through before commenting, Dude!!! <I'm 33 and haven't said Dude in 8 years. You must be a burn out. It's kind of obvious.>


1) You made a comment. I responded to your comment. If it has nothing to do with the thread, don't bring it up.

2) Yeah, you're so super mature and stuff. I'm 31, I use the word dude constantly, and you're goddamn right I smoke a lot of weed. I have no problem admitting it, because I'm comfortable with who I am. Anybody who takes pride in not using some stupid word for years obviously isn't. Grow up, kiddo.

The idiot formerly known as Heez.


2) Not to get in between you guys, but I do believe that 'dude' is better for people closer to one, when strangers or at least non close-circle people call me that, I do find it disrespectful...


Just forget about itttt :)))
