MovieChat Forums > A Thousand Words (2012) Discussion > A plot for 15 years ago - should have c...

A plot for 15 years ago - should have cast Cosby

Today everything is text and email. Even in the age before the typewriter, mutes would carry a pad and paper on a string around their neck.

How stupid is this plot if you center the acting with absurd "I'm a blabbermouth, but how CAN I COMMUNICATE without talking!?" antics. You could maybe pull it off with a certain laugh-at-their-angst Woody Allen flavor piece.

Any idea, even one as out of touch with the times, has potential to make a great comedy if you cast it right. Not to revisit the 80's comic rivalry, but I would have cast Bill Cosby in this role. Imagine him looking at this zen guy, who explains about the leaves falling at every word, and he lets out one of his trademark "RRRRRRRRIGHT" expressions, then another leave falls, and you cut back to his face which now starts to transform into the furrowed, "Theo, how could shave your head" expressions, with a smirk mixed with disbelief and just a little actual concern. Or sitting at the dinner with the white kid trying to talk jive... you would see Cosby put the range of emotions out there with a completely different set of facial expressions than Murphey has in his toolkit.


so what exactly what the point of this rant? Seriously all you had to say was "This plot is unoriginal and should've had Cosby in it 15 years ago".

Why are you ranting about txts, mutes, and Woody Allen?

Bro get check up--people like you have problems but are unaware.



Two part response:

(1) You obviously gave no thought to how the concept would have played out with a less "hyperbole" comic. That's probably because you were whizzing through the post at every word saying "Where's the punch line, comm'on, where's the punch line". Movies like this get produced for people like you, so I hope you enjoyed it.

2) Not everything with over 100 words is a rant. There are still dinosaurs out there who don't think in tweets. Unfortunately, though, what could have been an attempt to translate into film the bizarre transformation of human expression that results from imposed "word limits" of modern e-communication totally missed the boat. The originality of the plot was not really the issue.

3) Go troll somewhere else.
