2008 film issued in 2012
Another thread on this to point the Lollipop song and elsewhere mentioned the Hannah Montana references would give this away as being done some years ago. This happened in the late 40s with many movbies; there are many MGM and Warner Bros.cartoons filmed in expensive IB Technicolor that wound up finished two years after release (The Porky Pig show "Paying the piper, copyright 1947 but released in February 1949). WB, Columbia, and Paramount (coproducer of this being Dreamweorkjs) even used the cheaper Cinecolor processs (thus bearing the same year of copyright and year of release--i.e., Columbia'ds "Leave us Chase it",1948).to do and release cartoons faster. Getting back to the present and to Paramount features, Renee Zellwger and BRad Cooper's "Case 39" was a 2006 movie released four years later as well!There are other cases as well..