Strange Bedfellows

There is an Australian film from 2004 called Strange Bedfellows which stars Paul Hogan. The premise is that an Australian man is having tax troubles when a new tax is passed which gives gay partners tax rebates. So he and his best friend pretend to be in a homosexual partnership to gain these rebates. Inevitably a tax inspector comes to visit to confirm this and meanwhile the people of the small town overhear things and think that the duo really are gay. Oh yeah, and the two of them are involved in fire-fighting.

Sounds very familiar!



Michael Caton acted with Rob Schneider in "The Animal", and gave Schneider a copy of the Strange Bedfellows DVD. Schnieder is of course in this movie, and best buddies with Sandler.

Sandler denies it has anything to do with it, and the fact that an Australian movie about two fire fighters pretending to be gay for tax benefits in just a coincidence that he made a movie about two fire fighters pretending to be gay for tax benefits in 2007.



It's so obvious. I tried watching Strange Bedfellows when 7PRIME aired it but found it unfunny and dull. I expect this film is no different.

Laura Ess


Yep. Nothing wrong with remakes but at least admit it.
