Season 4, Ep 9

I'm rewatching the whole series on Netflix. I just finished episode 8 in season 4, and started episode 9. I literally laughed out loud when I saw much they had aged Henry! He suddenly looks like he's in his 70's yet we know he died in his 50's. They sort of aged Brandon and Seymour, but everyone else looks the same age as they were in the previous episode. Except poor Henry. LOL He put on 20 years and even talks like an old man now. I know he was unhealthy and all, but seriously, he just looked old.


That sounds like a great big KUDOS to the make-up dept. lol

Well, they did the best they could considering JRM didn't want to wear a fat suit. I think he did put cotton in his cheeks ala Marlon Brando in The Godfather. I can't confirm this, but if you look close you can tell his cheeks looks puffed out a bit.


Well if you were lucky enough to live into your 50's during the 16th century, then you were old. Life expectancy between the 16th and 17th centuries was roughly 35-39 years of age. :O


Life expectancy between the 16th and 17th centuries was roughly 35-39 years of age

That was an average for the population at Large - closer examination would reveal significantly longer life spans for royalty and the nobility.
