Really loose with history
As others have mentioned, they really played loose with history on this show.
I just started watching this week. From what I saw, they made it sound as though the show started about the time Pope Alexander was growing ill and ultimately dying.
Then they make it seem as if he was succeeded by Pope Clement. But Clement did not become Pope until 20 years later, (1523 ... Alexander IV {Borgia} died in 1503). There were actually 4 popes in between Alexander and Clement. Plus, they don't really make it seem like over 20 years have gone by. For one thing, I think Princess Mary was already born at the beginning of this series, so by the time Henry is trying to get the divorce from Pope Clement, Mary should be a woman, not still a child.
Of course, Princess Mary was actually born in 1516 (many years after Pope Alexander died and well into "The Tudors" story, so at the time Clement became Pope, that would have made here 7 years old, then however long the negotiations and trials were taking place.
Then there are the whole mergings and fabrications with Henry's sister(s), combining bits and pieces of both Mary and Margeret's lives, into Margaret.
Too bad they did not stay more historically accurate with the series.
But if one can set that aside, I am enjoying this series. Having just watched all of "Reign" and trying to tie it's people into this series.