Farewell, IMDb Tudor Fans
I'm not sure if any of the originals are still here, but:
I remember our long conversations as the series aired, our heated debates, the history thrown thither and yon, the factions that mounted their assault, the defenders of each wife, the complaints about the cast members being all wrong, the endless hours of conversation, discussion, arguments, referencing various historians and sharing our opinions on the show's pitfalls, greater moments, and mishaps. There were annoyed references to historical inaccuracies, threads on the travesty that passed for Tudor costumes, and yes, even a super long thread about Henry... uh...
I shall miss you all, dear online friends. May our paths cross again -- where we shall no doubt, once again, debate Katharine vs. Anne, and Elizabeth vs. Mary, and bicker over which of the colorful souls at court deserves the most attention.
Oh yes, and let's not forget, as our eternal parting approaches -- our collective agreement that the real Princess "Margaret" did not have an orange spray tan.