US Viewers- Why MA?

Hello, I was just wondering why is it rated TV MA? Is it for violence alone? (Obviously there will be alot of it) I was hoping there isn't any nudity etc. I have a feeling that would draw away from the event itself. Anyway, just wondering why it was rated so high. Cheers.


Dead bodies all over. We're too delicate to see death depicted in anything but action movies.

There was also a *beep* or two.


like FemmyV said, DEAD BODIES! everywhere, caught in wires, smimming pool, they probly spent more money making the dummies look great (which they did!) then they did reconstructing the scenery. also they had a couple of swear words that they used more then 7 times. There wasnt any violence I think but alot of disturbing pictures. defiantly no nudity, but maybe some of the dead bodies were naked but thats it. But I am from England so I dont really know what MA IS =]



Okay thanks for the info! (MA means like 17+ age wise.)


No... they use actual footage in this movie, which means it's people dying in true life. That is infact the reason why it is TV-MA

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king


It may also have to do with the half dozen F bombs throughout the movie.


But the footage they use isnt of people getting killed. The only footage that they used was when the wave hit and I think also when the father and son were reunited on the news.


I thought someone might say something stupid like that. On that perticular beach, hundreds, possibly thousands, were killed like that (snaps his finger).
People were dying in the video my friend you just don't see them.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king


It's not just the horror of the situation but also the subtlety and metaphors that are over the heads of many younger viewers.

It reminded me a lot of the way Hotel Rwanda was done, and not just because Sophie Okonedo starred in both and played similar characters. A BIG event was told in a personal way so that the tragedy would resonate more strongly with people.
