I knew Hollywood was racist, but...
I didn't know they would be so ethnocentric as to cast only one Asian actor for a cable movie about a tidal wave which hit SE Asia.
shareI didn't know they would be so ethnocentric as to cast only one Asian actor for a cable movie about a tidal wave which hit SE Asia.
shareand he wasnt even thai....he's korean.
shareHaha. That fact ticked me off too.
shareJust so you know. Most of the people who died from the tsunami in Thailand were european foreigners. You shouldn't just assume that something is racist.
shareThat's not even close to being true. Moast of the dead tourists were likely europeans but they didn't make up the majority of people who died overall.
Erm, sappy987, what's so funny about that? In the trailers I saw, Chiwetel Ejiofor seemed convincing as a bereaved dad.
shareI don't see how you can know what's true. I'm going by what I heard on the news. The news said that most of the people who died in Thailand were foreigners because the tsunami hit a heavily tourist area. There's no political motivation behind that. If you count all of the people who died from the tsunami then of course most of them wouldn't be tourists.
shareAnd anyway, there just a chosen few stories to reinact, Im sure if theyd have used more famillies then there might have been more Asian people, but some people might not have wanted to be involved.
Dean Learner: She was like a candle in the wind... unreliable.
Many way they were racist, like when the thai dies, nobody cares of them, so they burn them without telling their relatives, which makes the movie sadder.
That is not an example of racism.
MOVIES BY THE MINUTE --> http://moviesbytheminute.blogspot.com
Its a western movie, let the Thais make Thai movies, the Indonesians make Indonesian movies, they do have their own film industries.
shareI heard that Thailand is making a movie called "Katrina: The Aftermath". It's totally from the Thai perspective, covering the few Thai people who happened to be visiting New Orleans when the hurricane hit. There's only one American character in the production but he's actually played by an Australian. Oh well, it's not like the world needs to experience what happened to New Orleans from the perspective of the people who actually live there!
BTW, for the person who said that more foreigners died in Thailand from the Tsunami than Thai people... only around 25% of those who died in Thailand were foreigners (around 1,300 compared to over 4,000 Thai victims), and only 10% of those foreigners were British. The largest percentage of foreigners were from Finland and Sweden. Check: http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/12/30/tsunami.foreign.deaths/index.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countries_affected_by_the_2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake
When I see that film I will complain first that not enough westerners were represented, after all we are an important part of their economy and then Ill complain as an American that why couldnt they find an American to play the part of an American, after all they could have hired Mel Gibson or that Gladiator fellow whats his name? :)
shareI'm pretty sure that Katrina film is a joke... I guess your post is also a joke, but I don't think it's a joke the way you meant it to be.
share"I heard that Thailand is making a movie called "Katrina: The Aftermath". It's totally from the Thai perspective, covering the few Thai people who happened to be visiting New Orleans when the hurricane hit. There's only one American character in the production but he's actually played by an Australian. Oh well, it's not like the world needs to experience what happened to New Orleans from the perspective of the people who actually live there!
BTW, for the person who said that more foreigners died in Thailand from the Tsunami than Thai people... only around 25% of those who died in Thailand were foreigners (around 1,300 compared to over 4,000 Thai victims), and only 10% of those foreigners were British. The largest percentage of foreigners were from Finland and Sweden. Check: http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/12/30/tsunami.foreign.deaths/index.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countries_affected_by_the_2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake"
Who cares?
Zen Bones, you have the IQ of a child. This is a British movie focusing on British people and if your tiny little brain doesn't realise this, British is not a race. British is not a colour, and British is not an ethnicity.
Your example above about Katrina is completely retarded and lacks even the slightest trace of sarcasm or humour.
Do you think that the British people who died in Thailand mean nothing? Who the f.u c.k do you think you are to deny these innocent people their story? You selfish waste of a *beep* life. Britain has nothing to do with your Asian American small penis *beep* You're not British and thank God for that.
Your response is just as over-the-top as Zen's. Wacky.
share"Who cares?"
... Well gee Buch, you sure seem to! A lot!
"Zen Bones, you have the IQ of a child."
... Aww, that's sweet of you to say but I can tell from your anger that you let that one get away from you because, well Buch; people's IQs are tested when they're children! Mine was tested when I was eleven. It was and still is 130.
"This is a British movie focusing on British people and if your tiny little brain doesn't realise this, British is not a race. British is not a colour, and British is not an ethnicity."
... Actually Buch, I'm afraid that being British IS an ethnicity, not to be confused with race. Ethnicity has to do with cultural as well as ancestral and genetic background. For example, Chiwetel Ejiofor's race is African, and his ethnicity is British. Charles Bukowski's (no relation I assume!) race is Caucasian and his ethnicity is German-American. Do you see now?
And yes, I do realise that this was a British movie. It's not like I could forget that for a second!
"Your example above about Katrina is completely retarded and lacks even the slightest trace of sarcasm or humour."
... It's called an allegory, Buch.
"completely retarded"... "tiny little brain" -- I haven't heard phrases like that since second grade! Unfortunately Buch, most second grade teachers would correct you by explaining to you that phrases such as "tiny little" are redundant, and one is either 'retarded' or 'severely retarded'. But I can tell you're a little excited; it's okay.
Do you think that the British people who died in Thailand mean nothing?
... Did I say that? Nooo! Sounds like you're making assumptions there! You might want to read my post again, Buch!
"Who the f.u c.k do you think you are to deny these innocent people their story?
... I didn't say that they didn't have a right to have their story told. Seems like you're jumping to conclusions again, Buch! It sounds like you have some anger management problems there too. Better watch the ol’ blood pressure!
"You selfish waste of a *beep* life. Britain has nothing to do with your Asian American small penis *beep* You're not British and thank God for that."
... Mmmmm, you sound so butch when you say that Buch! Do you have penis fixation, Buch? I'm just curious since you assume I have one and that it's Asian-American. There you go, jumping to conclusions again! It's okay if you do have a penis fixation but really, I'm not Asian and I'm not British. I am an atheist so you'll have to cover the thanking of God for that, although if I did believe in God I think She would have not given a fig what my nationality is. If She meant it to be important, She would have drawn all the borderlines around each country as we have it today (would have saved human beings a hell of a lot of problems all these years!).
I AM in fact a human being – believe it or not, Buch – and I feel that since the majority of people who were killed in Thailand were Thai, and thousands of them lost their homes and families and jobs, the series should have given more weight to their personal plights. The very fact that so many westerners don't even see how unbalanced the Thai side of the story is, shows how marginalized people outside our own western culture are to us. I was hoping the Katrina allegory would open people's minds to how things look from other points of view but alas; one must have to WANT to empathize with those who are different. I'd say that in that way, the title of this topic is quite fitting. "Racist" doesn't necessarily mean the KKK or Nazis; it can simply mean a total inability for one to empathize with or care about those who have a different background than one's own.
BTW, this is a joint British-American production between the BBC and HBO films (I think HBO Films is located in New York but it's essentially under the Hollywood umbrella). They could have made a film like the Killing Fields, giving BOTH the Asian and Western stories equal weight, but they didn't. That was a choice, and in my opinion (which believe it or not Buch, I'm entitled to have), I think it was a bad choice.
"I knew Hollywood was racist, but..."
This isn't Hollywood, you schmuck.