MovieChat Forums > Body of Lies (2008) Discussion > Don't get the final part

Don't get the final part

The final sequence, as I followed, goes like this: Hani kidnaps Aisha then somehow gets the terrorist cell to pick Ferris up in the desert (who agrees believing that they have Aisha). Then Hani comes to the rescue, using Karami to find his location. This was all so Hani could find out where the terrorists were.

Why was Ferris involved in this? Why not just get Karami to spill everything from the getgo? Or is there something I'm missing?

"So fair, yet so cold"


ferris was a big enough fish that the terrorist leader would want to see in person, the architect under interrogation says the american set me up, so i assume terrorist big wig couldnt resist getting up in his face, all hani did was serve leo up on a plate and waited for karami to phone telling him where he was


yeah, and the terrorist leader is always secluded, not necessarily near karami at all times, he just showed up to get in leo's face...hani knew this and set up leo

"He is a cute innocent girl and a good actor and all u guys think about is how hot she is"
