MovieChat Forums > Body of Lies (2008) Discussion > Why do movies like these never are not p...

Why do movies like these never are not promoted offshores??

Well, i am from India and this question had been bothering me for long time... Many anti-America movies or movies which expose the system in America are almost unheard or not released in the sub-continent. To name a few which come to my mind instantly 'body of lies','state of play','charlie wilson's war','rendition' and a few more which i don't recollect now. All these movies are big to medium budget with a very heavy star cast. All these stars are very sale-able in the region. I can understand 'state of play' not getting released for its criticism of American system is very alienated, but a movie like 'body of lies' with great action and with great director and actors being not released here is not understandable.
First of all, were these movies successful in America?(I dont believe/understand the box office here in imdb). Does America cant take criticism and don't want the bad publicity? (Again I don't believe it, bcoz if that was the case then these movies would have never been made in the first place and i also believe that only in a liberal country like America can a movie maker like Michael Moore can survive. It is possible to do it to a large extent in my country but the same cant be said about our neighbors). I would love hear views of liberal Americans out there. And a request to repliers please don't post hate messages against me or anybody in the thread, as my intentions are very noble and don't wish to hurt anybody.
