Plz explain climax?

so wt exactly happenend at the end?did he propose his love interest or simply forgot her by following Crowe's lines-''No one is innocent''??



Yes, somebody please explain this to me. I finished watching it on HBO a while back and would be grateful if somebody could explain it to me. Thank you.


It's called "ambiguity".


I don't really see the ambiguity. For me its pretty clear cut he loves her and because of what the "adviser" did hes going to have to prove his love. He is at the market buying sweets/fruit for another dinner date with her. His American handlers are no longer protecting him, so hes on his own.

I want freedom from unwarranted accusations of sucrose theft and I want it NOW!


The "abandon him in Arabia" ending wasn't ambiguous. It was stupid beyond all appraisal. He knew too much etc. The CIA has a well worked out protocol for field people who get emotional. Bring them back for debriefing, talk them into an analytical position, mollify them with money and a safe house. Girl friend? Ok, we'll bring her back to.


To me he's staying behind knowing he has to pull his finger out (what's remaining of them) to win back the girl's affection.

He also had it with cynicism of all the espionage.

Its that man again!!
