MovieChat Forums > Body of Lies (2008) Discussion > Tacky windshield mobile?

Tacky windshield mobile?

The jeep that Ferris and Bassam drive around in has several CDs stuck to the middle of the windshield. What would those be for? I don't think you'd keep your music or data hanging there without any kind of sleeve. Is it a crude sun shade? Or perhaps some kind of a make-shift SIGINT apparatus for the eye in the sky? Kinda odd looking...


some people hand them as decoration, in the muslim world they hang the digital quran, similar to hanging a crusifix etc


Interesting. So they were just accessorizing to blend in with the locals...



The CDs look better then those silly Crown Air Fresheners that were the rage of some folks
in the 1990s.


I still don't understand why people have air freshers in their cars in the first place. A friend bought a new car, and he put an air freshner in it. When I rode along it totally ruined the nice smell of a new car. It reminded me instantly of some a beat-up taxi in some poor sh*t country.

Same story with air freshners in toilets. It doesn't take the sh*t smell away, it just adds another smell to it. So instead of just the smell of sh*t, which is bad enough, now you have the smell of sh*t COMBINED with some artificial chemical flower smell to it that gives you a headache.


Elvis has left the building


Believe it or not, in some parts of Eastern Europe, hanging CDs in one's car was believed to minimize its chances of being caught by speeding radar guns. It is a stupid idea, but it could be the cause of this habit of hanging them on the windshield. Also, back in the day being able to switch from vinyl/VHS to laser media was a sign of wealth.
