So Hani was...

A good guy?



Was he good or a terroist?


I think he was a little bit of both. He was an arrogant, self-absorbed, manipulative a**hole who used Ferris,Karami,Aisha and whoever else he could to serve his own purpose. He enjoyed manipulating,controlling and toying with other people's lives. It was appalling to me how he could find humor in the fact that Ferris almost died at Al-Saleem's hands when he made is "I shudder to think" statement in reply to Ferris asking him what would have happened if Hani had been a few minutes later. Hani was an overdressed, condescending p***k.


So basically the Jordanian version of Ed Hoffman.


"It was appalling to me how he could find humor in the fact that Ferris almost died at Al-Saleem's hands when he made is "I shudder to think" statement in reply to Ferris asking him what would have happened if Hani had been a few minutes later"

Life is cheap for all these a-holes, even Ferris. I couldn't care less if he died or not. CIA - biggest terrorist organisation in the world.




To Hank_Mardukas,

And why exactly does that make him the good guy?



I don't know that it's as simple as good guys and bad guys. The terrorists are convinced of their agenda and that their cause is righteous, they don't think of themselves as evil. The American and Jordanian intelligence services saw themselves as the good guys, holding the line against terrorism.

The fundamental difference was the Americans, represented by Hoffman were assured of their own superiority through technology. Hani put his faith in people and specifically human intelligence and as Ferris was a field agent at the sharp end of things, he felt closer to that.


At the end, Hoffman and Hani both want the terrorist but whilst Hoffman cuts Ferris loose after the pick up in the desert, Hani has a different plan. For both of them, saving Ferris (SAVE FERRIS!) was a preferred outcome but secondary to catching the terrorist. Hani did set Ferris up by making him thing Aisha had been kidnapped but it was all clever manipulation. Aisha would have had no idea what was going on. In addition, had Hani given up Karimi to Hoffman, he wouldn't have been in place to inform Hani's men as to where Ferris had been taken and he would definitely have been killed.

Hani got the best result because he didn't rely solely on technology. Is he a good guy? In the context of this movie, he is definitely not the worst.


Terrorist? :) No.

There are no "good guys" in this trade, I'm afraid. Hani was working for his country, doing his job (and doing it well, I must say). His methods MIGHT be questionable, but so are Hoffman's and Ferris'. I actually thought he was much more honest and straightforward than the CIA guys.

Also, you have to remember - Hoffman and Ferris were working in HIS country, for the safety of which he was responsible, but they were keeping secrets from him, running side operations. In HIS country. I actually approve of all Hani's actions in this film.


I also approve of Hani, as he is protecting his own country. He only deceived Ferris after Ferris kept secrets from him when he was specifically told that that being truthful with Hani was the only requirement. He also managed to rescue Ferris and capture the terrorist because of having been merciful with his spy. As far as the "torture," he had previously said that does not work because the victim will say anything to end the pain. The scene of lashing was "punishment" for working with the CIA without Hani's knowledge or approval.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


One thing I got from this movie is that there isn't really a "good guys" team versus a "bad guys" team. Hoffman was the American CIA guy, the stereotyped "good guy" side, and yet it turned out he was nothing more than a careerist cold-hearted bureaucrat who was willing to snuff out innocent lives for his own gain. Hani was on "our side", but he tortured people and nearly got Ferris killed in the process of catching al-Saleem.

But on the scale of relativity, yeah, Hani was one of the "good guys". He wasn't slaughtering innocent people like al-Saleem was.

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