MovieChat Forums > Body of Lies (2008) Discussion > I just watched the movie and I have no c...

I just watched the movie and I have no clue what its about

When they spoke in English I had no idea what they were saying. There was nothing new in this movie, felt like I have seen it before. Was the girl in on it?

My Love


Some movies take several viewings to get the whole story. Just watch 'Michael Clayton' and see if you can following the action in one sitting. Thank God for cable and DVD's!


I did get Michael Clayton in one sitting lol.

My Love


It was about America waving it's dick around, and getting it caught in various revolving doors, as it looks for places that haven't caught up yet.


Hani said the girl had no idea why she was asked to leave her apartment. The blood spilled and evidence of struggle were left there after her departure.

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