Boston Marathon reminded it immediately
The terrorism in the Boston Marathon reminded me this movie immediately. Mainly the brilliant speech of Russell Crowe character:
"It is a fallacy that prolonged war will weaken an occupied enemy. It most likely will make your enemy stronger. They get used to the deprivation and they adapt and respond accordingly."
"Despite the fact we have markedly increased our operational intensity we're not seeing any progress. What we're dealing with here is potentially a global conflagration that requires constant diligence in order to suppress."
"Now, you see because our enemy has realized that they are fighting guys from the future."
"Now, it is brilliant as it is infuriating: if you live like it's the past, and you behave like it's the past, then guys from the future find it very hard to see you. If you throw away your cell phone, shut down your e-mail, pass all your instructions face-to-face, hand-to-hand, turn your back on technology and just disappear into the crowd. No flags. No uniforms. You got your basic grunts on the ground there. They're looking going, "Who is it we're fighting?" In a situation like this, your friends dress just like your enemies and your enemies dress like your friends."
"What I need you to fully understand is that these people, they do not wanna negotiate. Not at all. They want the universal caliphate established across the face of the Earth and they want every infidel converted or dead."
"So, what's changed is that our allegedly unsophisticated enemy has cottoned on to the factually unsophisticated truth we're an easy target. We are an easy target. And our world as we know it is a lot simpler to put to an end than you might think. We take our foot off the throat of this enemy for one minute and our world changes completely."