Ridley's movies 'cold'

After seeing "Body of Lies," "American Gangster," and "Black Hawk Down," I realized that R. Scott's flicks leave me cold. Days before viewing "Body," I watched Russell Crowe in "State of Play," I found both the actor & movie engaging - not the case in the Scott flick. The WRITER of "Body" also wrote "The Departed"; both films featured Leonardo DiCaprio. Under Martin Scorcese's tutelage, both writer & actor fared better. Ditto Denzel Washington in almost ANYTHING he's done besides "Gangster." Perhaps Scott peaked early with "Blade Runner," or perhaps he simply forgot how to tell a story, relying instead on hardware and gimmickry.


I didn't care for Body of Lies but like you, very much enjoyed State Of Play. I still haven't seen The Departed so can't make a judgement on that.


While I am a big admirer of Scott's early work, how could we forget about his other gems, like Thelma and Louise, or Gladiator?

Heck, I even enjoyed his romantic 'A Good Year'.

While I will admit that Body of Lies and American Gangster we're slower paced and of different subject matter then he usually deals with, they still seem like labors of love to me, personally.



I've got the same problem with ALL of Martin Scorcese's movies, but only because he keeps on making the same movie set in different millieus.


I found "Black Hawk Down" pretty moving. Films ranging from "Alien" to "Someone To watch Over Me" to "Black Rain" to "Gladiator" have all had strong emotional resonance. Going by his recent films - looks like the man has been recovering from working with the emotional vaccum that is Orlando Bloom. But more likely, he's been experimenting since "American Gangster", which is a good thing in the long run. The characters in AG and "Body of Lies" may not have been as emotionally engaging but the films themselves were riveting.


tony scott's 'spy game' was the movie except far more entertaining.

Golf clap? Golf clap.


Thelma and Louise was his least "cold" movie. There is no doubting this mans exceptional abilities, but emotional connections are certainly not his forte - he is a very visual storyteller.


good point.

"It's for the pain. Rarely touch the stuff...Can I have another?"


I get where you're coming from OP, but Scott isn't as cold as Nolan. I didn't find Black Hawk Down to be cold at all. I think it's one of his best actually.

"One of my life goals was to die right here, in my desk chair" - Dwight Schrute


I've got the same problem with ALL of Martin Scorcese's movies, but only because he keeps on making the same movie set in different millieus.

Lol now, that made me laugh!

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crisis.



I would agree. "The Gladiator" was the most recent peak, with my own rating between B+ and A-. Although many of his movies since then are engaging the viewer, they are far from projecting a vision like "Blade Runner" did. It's absolutely amazing that both Blade Runner and Alien were created in such short time range. Everything that came after that is almost entirely good cinema, with maybe only one movie making me want to talk about with friends for several evenings. "Prometheus" got some continuity with the original "Alien" right, but lacked that kind of incredible climate when one was watching "Alien". My expectations from the Prometheus sequel are even lower.
