MovieChat Forums > Body of Lies (2008) Discussion > Why did they kill Sadiki?

Why did they kill Sadiki?

I love this movie and always try to watch it when it's on HBO. It's first rate and definitely one of the best movies from 2008.

However, I still don't understand why Al-Saleem and his cronies killed Omar Sadiki (the architect they framed) after he told them he'd been set up. Did they not believe him, or did they believe him and just decided that he knew too much?

Anyone have any insight on this?




And/or if the terrorists didn't believe that he was set up, he was perceived as a threat to Al-Saleem's position of power and authority.


You are looking at it the wrong way. How could have Sadeeki been useful in any way to Al-Saleem's movement? No - I can't think of any way he could have been either, so the default choice is to kill him.


He had seen the leader's face, I think. There was something said about his having been given money by the terrorists? He was picked to be set up because there was some kind of connection to make it plausible, but he didn't actually do anything against the terrorists.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


He hadn't seen al-Saleem's face. Al-Saleem was in a different room when Sadiki was being questioned. I agree with the person at the bottom of the thread who said they killed him to send a message to the CIA about what happens when you meddle in the Middle East.

"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor."
- Voltaire


The other thing that Al-Saleem said prior to the interigation of Sadiki is that 'he has out money' or similar.

I presume it was money that Al-Saleem may have been given if Sadiki was not around rather than Al-Saleem's money.


Ferris killed Sadiki, not the "bad guys". It was pointless, however, as Sadiki had already fed them juicy info about the "american".


They believed Sadiki about how he was set up by the American. They would never allowed him to live. Killing him was a sign to the C.I.A, don't try and fu*k with us. It was Ferris's actions that got Sadiki killed.
