Do you mean Hillier, the member of their gang? Bean shoots him in the knee plus he's hanging from a tree. Just after that there's a reference to the gang "starting to kill each other" on the news.
I got the impression the Danny Dyrer character would have gone after the bad detective and his co-worker. In the forest, we see the detective shouting in frustration at Dyer's escape - he has just witnessed him ordering Monroe's execution and therefore poses a threat to him (if anyone would believe him that is). Dyer kills Manning after seeing him pay off his co-worker, so knew he had betrayed him.
I do agree it was a wholly illogical movie - a detective sergeant with so much power (hosting televised press conferences about what are effectively serial killings, being called "Sir" by other officers, turning up at a fire-fight in just his suit and ordering an officer to shoot someone in cold blood), Manning arriving on his own to hand over a payment personally for example). It was just enjoyable trash!
Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!