The Cameras ?

I hated the cameras in the movie, they seems to be nervous like Blair Witch Project,, unstable, but it has a budget here... if you know what I mean, we had to stop the movie after 40 minutes, we all had headaches but seems like it was good, unfortunetely...


Headaches? lol..ok. I love freehand filming, especially in The Bourne Trilogy.

Trolls Should Be Treated Like Terrorists


That wasn't freehand or hand held filming. It was a camera attached to a device which made it do all that moving around stuff. You can tell as it isn't as smooth as hand held filming would be. I like hand held but that was just picking up a camera and shaking it whilst you're filming (figuratively speaking of course).


I think it was steady cam. But the camera was zoomed in and the small motions were then exaggerated. The friend I was watching it with also complained about a headache.


I remember reading somewhere that the camera was attached to a small gimble which caused it to tilt randomly and pan ever so slightly. The camera op also zoomed in and out slightly whilst this was going on. I can't remember where, if I have time later I'll try find it again.

That is definitely not handheld though. You can tell because the movement of the camera isn't a smooth organic movement. It's very artificial and clunky.


I came on here 4 minutes in to see if anyone else was as bothered (physical headache and/or annoyed by the pompous tense attitude it tried to portray) by the camera as I was. I can suffer through a Tony Scott film, but this was even beyond his idiotic "artsy" movement.


Just rewatched this. It looks like it was mucked around with in post. Its not natural camera moves. It also looks like it was shot on camcorder instead of film. Which is a shame.
