Like Harry Brown, always going to be hated by the chattering classes
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a great movie - I think it totally loses confidence in itself and goes in the wrong direction in the final third - but the "intelligent" film critics were never going to approve of a movie about vigilantism and revenge. "Right wing", "reactionary" - you could write the reviews before it even came out.
What's wrong with a bit of revenge-fantasy, wish-fulfilment escapism? We've all been bullied or treated badly in our lives, we've all seen injustice - when these guys were preparing to embark on a campaign of revenge against the bullies and murderers, it was thrilling, visceral entertainment. We were cheering them on. But the reviewers tut-tutted, knowing what was best for us - maybe a couple of hours of tedium like Lost In Translation or some thesp hamming it up in There Will Be Blood?
It was enjoyable hokum - you don't have to believe in vigilantism to enjoy seeing broadly drawn villains getting theirs onscreen.
Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!