MovieChat Forums > Outlaw (2007) Discussion > Had to walk out of cinema

Had to walk out of cinema

Well I'm a massive Nick Love and Danny Dyer fan so I was eager to see this film. After 30 minutes though, me and the girlfriend had to walk out due to the camera work. The other people around us were also complaining about it and I imagine they would of followed soon after. The girlfriend was getting a headache and I felt like I was getting permanent cross eyes from going in and out of focus and the constant moving about. It was obviously exagerated due to the screen size so hopefully it won't look so bad on dvd.
The film from what I saw looked quite good so I will deffinately be attempting the dvd.
I feel quite let down by it and for wasting my money, all because of the camerawork or editing.


youre and your bird are muppets mate


Yep. They shouldn't even be considering touching this trash on DVD. Move on mate, you were right to walk won't be any better on DVD.


That some great English there ;)

Grade U for your English GCSE was it?


Don't you mean "that's" some great English there? Grade E for your English GCSE, was it? ;)

Go to the loo, 'cause all the *beep*'s coming out your mouth instead of your a-hole...


I swear it never fails to happen.


Hahahahahahahahahahah TOP REPLY lmao



Yeah, my girlfriend and I both felt like we were getting a headache from the camerawork during the first 30 mins. Not sure whether we got used to it or if the camerawork eventually became a bit more 'fixed', but it didn't seem so bad after that first 30 or so minutes. We were sat relatively close to the screen in the cinema, so if it had remained a problem we probably would have moved further back.


Well i got headaches after seeing Domino and Man On Fire, as they were also fans of the 'cant be arsed to capture action decently just *beep* around with shaky effects' philosophy of directing. Is this film as bad as those two? Or worse?


Unless you're a 5 year old child, then don't sit right near the bloody screen when watching a movie.


Yeah the camera CONSTANTLY shuddering pi**ed me of as well, i could hear murmurs from a lot of people in the cinema we were in that obviously echoed our thoughts.

At first i actually thought it might have been the projectionist being a tit, sadly i was wrong. Not bad film, end very abrupt.


bunch of babies!!


cant say i noticed anything like that. pretty enjoyable film, ending is awsome, that wry little smile and pow!



Domino and Man on fire were both amazing!


Well just so you know, its how the producer wanted it seen.


Well duh, thank you *beep* obvious.


I managed to stay the course but left with a slight headache and a feeling of nausea caused by the camerawork.


Watched it on DVD, and I too couldn't stand the godawful camera work. It served no purpose other than to give the camera operator a slight workout. Shaky shots are largely reserved for POV and/or for highlighting tension. The only thing it highlighted here was Nick Love's desire to do something along Michael Mann's style on his last few movies. What troubles me is that Nick Love is a decent director with a few good flicks, and how is it possible that he didn't figure this method to be a waste of time or even worse, had actually really liked it.




i wish ppl would stop whinging about the camera work, i watched it on dvd and theres nothing wrong with it.



i wish ppl would stop whinging about the camera work, i watched it on dvd and theres nothing wrong with it.

Yes, yes there was, it was awful and made the movie totally unwatchable.



or maybe they have parkinson's disease... for them it was all nice and smooth


the camerawork seemed quite shaky to me too which I found annoying, but it didn't stop me from watching the whole movie.... but for the person who said the director meant for it to be shaky....why would someone do that deliberately? I am not saying you are wrong, or having a go or anything (as it is not likely that would be accidental), I am genuinely curious what effect it is supposed to have??


Had to walk out of cinema
by tuveye (Sun Apr 8 2007 09:59:18)
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i wish ppl would stop whinging about the camera work, i watched it on dvd and theres nothing wrong with it.

you saw it on DVD before the 8th of april? the uk release date is monday the 9th july and NO dvd rip showed up online until just last week - why would you come here solely to lie to people and defend an awful movie - let me guess, you're one of the clowns who paid to be in this junk?


Maybe he's a pirate, argghhh. I know that's how I saw it. It's pretty horrendous.


I have to say.. i'm a huge fan of Sean Bean but this film just didn't cut the mustard in every sense and from every angle :(


What a load of *beepin* mugs.. It was a brilliant film.


I thouroughly enjoyed this film.

I had to resign from work a couple weeks ago due to dizzy spells, temporary blindness and nausia caused by a problem with my eye.

I just sat down and watched it. Found the camera shakes too much to handle so sat further back as far as I could. The film was still watchable and I'm glad I didn't turn it off. I couldn't watch Blair Witch because of the camera. Can't play some games like Counter Strike and Half Life due to motion sickness.

What I really can't understand is the idiotic and thoughtless comments I've seen from other users in response to a perfectly legitimate point of view. If you can't say anything at least with constructive criticism why not just shut up and save everyone else your stupidity?

lofty, my comments aren't aimed at you but some of the replies I've seen after yo posted the topic. I'm a great Danny Dyer fan as well, loved his appearance in Human Traffic.

Lofty, give it a go on DVD and sit far back - it's well worth it ;)


are you joking?


i was a young teenager when i watched Blaire Witch Porject and left me with a massive headache the rest of that night.

This movie's camera work is much worse, and they did that on purpose! I cannot imagine the people who edit the movie having to watch through the whole movie over and over again.


it has *beep* all to do with *beep* camera work, the film was pish, its a shame nick love is such a class director but outlaw was *beep* thats truth


it's not a good film, but then again it's not the worst film ever. And it is the camera work that ruined it for me.
I like shakeycam when it comes to certain moments (altho i thought the bourne supremacy took it a bit too far) but this takes the piss frankly. Constantly moving and shaking for no reason, it's as if they couldnt afford a steady-cam rig or a tripod.
i bet i would have liked it if the shots were still but shakey when it came to fights, action and tense moments. Good idea for a film, and had some good moments, but the camera work did ruin it for me. Oh and by the way I watched it on my PC and had to make the screen smaller and i still had problems. Such a frustrating film.


the camera work is perfectly fine, at least on DVD


a film can't have bad camera work on cinema and then good on DVD. Did you not notice the screen constantly moving? not being in a fixed position or moving smoothly...


the guy farther up said that he thought the camera caused headache in cinema and he was thinking that on DVD - on a smaller screen - it wouldn't be as bad... so i was just telling that I watched it on DVD - on a smaller screen - and - as i said - it was perfectly fine... so chill dude...
