MovieChat Forums > Into the Wild (2007) Discussion > Demographic Grade for Into The Wild

Demographic Grade for Into The Wild

user ratings report for:

Votes Average
Males 255003 8.2
Females 69154 8.2
Aged under 18 2183 8.5
Males under 18 1466 8.5
Females under 18 717 8.6
Aged 18-29 186406 8.4
Males Aged 18-29 142726 8.4
Females Aged18-29 43680 8.3
Aged 30-44 105722 8.0
Males Aged 30-44 88839 8.0
Females Aged30-44 16883 8.0
Aged 45+ 18232 7.6
Males Aged 45+ 14569 7.6
Females Aged 45+ 3663 7.4
IMDb staff 30 7.8
Top 1000 voters 710 7.1
US users 56311 8.0
Non-US users 267846 8.2

IMDb users 368057 8.2

This is the rating for Into The Wild based on demographics

It is very interesting but unsurprising that it is very popular amongst people younger than 29 years old and much less popular b/w older people.

Another interesting note that it is graded much lower by top 1000 voters.

It can safely be concluded that if you get old enough you will start to understand that this movie is not that good (I am 34)


Nice try...
