MovieChat Forums > Friday the 13th (2009) Discussion > There was no mystery it was just a movie...

There was no mystery it was just a movie that is there

This movie is like a light switch, or something not as useful as that, it' is just there. You look at this movie for a small time, you learn nothing and nothing is important, or good, it's is just things happening that no body care about

So one of the worst remakes


One good thing- Derek Mears was a good choice as Jason. Too bad this movie doesn't live up to his performance. He was a genuine threat. No hating on Kane Hodder. He too performed better than the FT13th movies he was in.


F13 (2009) is the worst in the series i find.

there is just no imagination here.. at least part 8 had Jason roaming NYC
part 5 was just an all-around crapfest but kinda fun

the reboot lacks soul and for the first time i didn't sympathize with J-bone


I don't think they watch many previous Friday 13th movies. They had no idea what they were doing


I don't think they watch many previous Friday 13th movies. They had no idea what they were doing

This should be interesting. Care to elaborate?


They just think Jason is a killer and he kill teenage ppl, and he go in water sometimes. They had no imagination and it have no soul like bobbydallas say. They just make stuff up, like Jason with his bow and arrow. It was not really Jason just this guy in hockey mask


What is Jason by your definition? And how did the previous films in the saga have "imagination"?


Why you defend this pointless film. You are bored?


Can't answer the question, huh?

Why are you ripping on this movie and making it out to be inferior to the others in the series, when it clearly isn't?
Really, that seems more of an act of boredom than anything else!


No you are doing long winded argument. If I say something you will say 'why is this' and if I say l something else you will say 'why is that' and this site does not work for long response. Even now this comment go off the page, so you psychiatrist type guys just do not work on this site


You’re as stupid as you are illiterate! Finish middle school, kid.


I don't quite understand your complaint. You say they don't do anything knew and then complain about new stuff... (things that you think are new btw)

-A remake doesn't have to re-tell the exact story, because that would align more with it just "kinda being there.." or pointless, imo.

-Jason knowing how to use a bow and arrow isn't farfetched for a reclusive hunter in the woods... He definitely has a penchant for aiming a harpoon gun which is essentially a crossbow when he killed Vera in part 3. (This movie runs through movies 1-3) Not saying they are the same, but I can imagine a person surviving alone in the woods all that time may learn how to use a bow, which is more simple in concept and usage, to a crossbow/harpoon gun.

-The mystery was the missing girl from the beginning since a main character (her brother) was going around searching for her which led him to the campsite. There was also mystery as to why he keeps her and what he plans/planned to do with her. Will the super nice girl that gives secondary final girl energy survive her friends, since she's actually involved with the plot? Unlike part 1/2/3 a guy actually survives too.

-Jason runs in part 2/3/4 so I don't understand why anyone thought that was new.

-The weird dancing blonde guy, really?

-Jason is a more polished apex predator of his domain in this film and that was enjoyable for some of us that wanted to see him presented with some sense of agency.


My favorite Friday the 13th was when he went into space in Jason X. That also was the most creative one in the franchise


Jason X is actually one of the most amusing F13s in my opinion as well


They literally brought the series back and the only thing they added to the series is they had Jason run and build underground tunnels so now we know how he gets around like he does. The 2009 remake was just rather pointless .


All movies are "just there" I think 🤔

If they aren't there then they wouldn't exist


No I disagree, some movies like good art transcend things

But not this movie


You think parts 2-X have mystery?


Whilst I love them, I completely agree, lol


Yes well just look at the movie that has the weird dancing blonde hair guy in it, it start with creepy talks around camp fire, it is mysterious. So yes that is one example.


Yea, especially part 5 as we don't know who the killer is


part 2 was pretty great in retrospect.
i'm saying 2009 didn't even feel like a F13 movie more than a texas chainsaw or a (insert random psycho here)


That's the case with most of these.
