First off lets look at the history of Matt. His mother left which left him with only his Dad and his grandma. His dad was in the military and gone the majority of the time. His dad wasn't a talkative guy, rather cold and withdrawn which is probably reason Matt's mom left( also confirmed my Matt's grandma). So he only had his grandma who was going through dementia so I am doubt he would try and bring to many friends over which is why Landry was his only true friend. He spent most of this time alone drawing in his lonely existence. His social skills suffered for this and he was never comfortable with people as all the people he knew left him (as stated in the show. My son suffered from a slow social development as a child he was not around a lot of other kids except his sitter a very nice older lady that is like his grandma. So Matt's social skills suffered and his ability to communicate with others. He also dealt with a lot anger issues with his dad, mom and his situation.
As for best QB he wasn't. He just played with more heart that made up for his lack of skill. With that emptiness in his heart playing for Dillon was one of the few things others appreciated him for. Not his art but his being QB1...JD Mcoy had more talent but lacked Matt's heart.
Matt is the perfect character to follow up after Jason Street's injury someone that was hiding but who had a ton of heart and wanted to be accepted. Matt is who we want to root for because he is all heart.