FNL blows Parenthood out of the water
I just finished FNL and wow, this show is a masterpiece! I'd watched Parenthood when it was airing and I know they have the same creator (producer?). I liked Parenthood at first but by the end it had really began to bug the crap out of me. It seemed like they'd taken that show to the extreme end of trying to seem realistic and in the process, I ended up hating a lot of the characters and the constant bickering made me want to pull my hair out.
But Friday Night Lights managed to be completely realistic and relatable in an organic way. The storylines, unlike Parenthood, were never predictable and handled in a way that seemed so true to life. I'm so glad I finally decided to watch it and didn't let my poor impressions of Parenthood influence me.
The only thing constant in life is change