MovieChat Forums > Year of the Dog (2007) Discussion > Don't believe the trailer..

Don't believe the trailer..

Hey, hey, I haven't seen either the trailer or the movie, but I just read a long article about it which points out that this isn't a comedy like the trailer makes it appear to be, but is really what the writer called more of a situation tragedy than a situation comedy. The movie might be good if you don't walk into it expecting a light comedy...I honestly don't know. But be prepared. Trailers lie sometimes and apparantly this one does. Ho, ho, ho!

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole."


Yeah, like Tyler Perry's "Daddy's little girls"
But im still gonna see this movie


Hey, hey, Lisa Schwarzbaum in Entertainment Weekly gives this an A-. Her review is definitely a glowing one, but it's quite obviously a very serious movie.

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole."


If you really really liked Napoleon Dynamite the first time you saw it,before the hype or cult status, then you'll probably think this is funny. I'm not saying the two movies are the same in their tone at all - they are vastly different in many aspects.


the trailer is totally misleading. this movie is a big downer. molly's character is pathetic, to say the least. the whole movie is a bummer.


Hey, hey, the total stupidity is that the trailer is going to attract an audience which hates the movie while those who might enjoy it are turned off by the trailer. Doesn't make sense to me! Ho, ho, ho!

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole."



Hey, hey, I think I'll skip this one for sure. I think that originally, the story had a bit of a Christmas setting, but I get the idea even that was taken out
I'll wait and look for something with some Ho, ho, ho in it. .

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole."



Hey, hey, we need more ffolks who can maintin the Christmas ho, ho, ho the year around, not just one month or less a year. This would be a far better world. Ho, ho, ho!

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole."


Sad, but uplifting. I loved this movie. It was even better than I thought it was going to be because the director/writer treats his characters with respect. It was sad and funny and dramatic.


I don't post here very often, but I guess it takes a movie like this to get me to do so.

I heard things like "If you love dogs, go see this movie" and we walked in thinking it was going to be a much lighter fare, maybe in the ballpark of "must love dogs", something like that. I won't say I hated the movie, I enjoyed the performances, Peter Sarsgaard was brilliant as the ambigous dog trainer, and how can you not acknowledge that John C. Riely is one of the best character actors in recent history, but the whole movie left me uncomfortable. I didn't mind the PETA undertones, but I just hate the dull, listless characters, much in the same vane as Good Girl. (And had I know this came from the same people, I would have passed in the first place) I sat in the theater thinking "I think I should like this movie, but why am I not?" I think I went into it with more expectations than I should have.

Sure, there were a few chuckles here and there, and when I got home, I hugged my dog just a bit tighter, but outside of that, I just didn't see the point.

And the one thing that bothered me, is how does Peggy, as an adminstrative assistant, afford a house in Duarte, CA? Believe it or not, that's the biggest thing that bothered my fiance and I afterwards...



You are so right! I saw the trailer, and it looked like a fun interesting movie with some very good actors. But, the movie was much, much different. It was a depressing, awful movie.


Hey, I didn't realize that this carried any animal rights message. I thought it was more about grief, or at least this is what reviews I've read imply.

I guess I'm a bit of an animal rights person. I have no problem with killing for food, but I do feel that one who kills for "sport" lacks a feeling for any living being's right to life. And yes, I'll add a ho, ho, ho, because even when speaking serious like, I'm inclined to be jolly.

"Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole."




If that's what you got out of the movie, then maybe you should shell out the extra nine dollars to see it again and try to actually understand it this time.






