I don't post here very often, but I guess it takes a movie like this to get me to do so.
I heard things like "If you love dogs, go see this movie" and we walked in thinking it was going to be a much lighter fare, maybe in the ballpark of "must love dogs", something like that. I won't say I hated the movie, I enjoyed the performances, Peter Sarsgaard was brilliant as the ambigous dog trainer, and how can you not acknowledge that John C. Riely is one of the best character actors in recent history, but the whole movie left me uncomfortable. I didn't mind the PETA undertones, but I just hate the dull, listless characters, much in the same vane as Good Girl. (And had I know this came from the same people, I would have passed in the first place) I sat in the theater thinking "I think I should like this movie, but why am I not?" I think I went into it with more expectations than I should have.
Sure, there were a few chuckles here and there, and when I got home, I hugged my dog just a bit tighter, but outside of that, I just didn't see the point.
And the one thing that bothered me, is how does Peggy, as an adminstrative assistant, afford a house in Duarte, CA? Believe it or not, that's the biggest thing that bothered my fiance and I afterwards...