Unsatisfied by Ending (Spoiler!)
Spoilers to follow! You have been warned!
I mostly enjoyed this film. It had a good eye for characters, and caught the way people manifest their emotional scars and impact others in weird little ways. And I respect it for steering clear of a standard obligatory Hollywood ending where the couple fall in love and live happily ever after. That's the good part.
However, it lost me by ending on a note that seemed to validate the narcissistic kookiness that Peggy had fallen into. It left her happily riding away on the bus with the other self-absorbed mental patients, working together to impose their internal demons onto the rest of us. I wondered for a moment if this was meant to be interpreted as a sad ending, acknowledging that she had deteriorated into another angry pod person. But, no, the music that ramped up as the credits started to roll was glorious and upbeat, suggesting we were witnessing a happy scene. This made no sense to me. I don't understand how a film that opened with introspection and insight ended up, in its indie way, to be as stupid and formulaic as the typical Hollywood nonsense. Maybe they just didn't know how to finish the story.
Now if I were writing an ending....hmmmm, what would I do? I think maybe I'd have Peggy emerge from 48 hours of catatonia and wander, dazed and dreaming, into MacDonald's, where she'd order a quarter-pound cheeseburger. She'd stare at it for a crucial moment, and then wolf it down with great ambivalence. Then, after another moment of contemplative ambivalence, she'd rush out and vomit in the gutter. Then she'd go back to the counter and order another quarter-pound cheeseburger. The guy at the counter, having watched this episode, would say something like, "Lady, are you sure about that?" And she'd get this determined look in her face, nevertheless manifesting a hint of doubt, and say, "Yeah, I'm sure." And that would be the ending that would make me happy.
Okay, you may toss tomatoes at me if you like. But that's what I think, take it or leave it.