Is it a dog lover's movie?
hence the title?
shareYes, if being a dog lover means being also concerned about the realities that many dogs face- abandonment, euthanasia, etc
Peggy comes to realize that the world is not necessarily a greeting card illusion, happy place for dogs (and other animals) and that people can fix that or at least try.
Absolutely not a dog lover's movie.
This film paints dog owners as lonely people who are PETA extremists and boarderline terrorists who commit home invasions, steal, lie, brainwash children, and attempt murder. If you consider yourself as an unbalanced somehow pathetic person for your love of your loyal companion then you may consider this a "dog lover's movie." However, if you consider yourself and other dogs owners as well adjusted and good people then you may not consider this a "dog lover's movie."
I own a German Shepherd Dog and I am outraged at the portrayal of it throughout this movie as a vicious and untrainable animal. This movie is not the dog lover feel good romantic movie it was portrayed to be in the trailer. It is an art house wannabe crap film about a woman's struggle with soceity and her place in it that is about as deep as a kiddie pool.
If you can save your money and your time do so and instead play with your dog.
LOL. Wow did you miss the point. It didn't portray German Shepherds as "vicious and untrainable". It portrayed ONE German Shepherd, who had been abused its whole life, as untrainable.
By your point of view, Titanic portrayed all ships as destined to crash on their maiden voyage.
"I own a German Shepherd Dog and I am outraged at the portrayal of it throughout this movie as a vicious and untrainable animal."
It seem that you conveniently missed the multiple times it was mentioned that the dog had been abused which was the reason for his aggresive behavior, the breed was irrelevant.
"I'm aroused and confused."
No, I don't think this is a dog lover movie. It follows the formula of a dog lover who becomes a strong activist, but I really saw this as a look into sadness and grief. This film didn't yell out PETA claims, it was rather about a woman who doesn't know how to handle that death, because after all her dog was the only real thing in her life for her. However, it sets out a chain of events in which she constantly makes foolish choices, not because she's evil, but because she's damaged.
Yes, you could only just see the animal theme and walk away thinking it's strictly a "dog lover's movie." However, if you really make out what's being said underneath the surface you'll find much more.