Tragic, not heroic, character
I've read a couple of posts here and it seems like most people are of the thought that the Peggy character had this great awakening. That she finally came to realize her true purpose in life.
I saw it more as the story of the downfall of the character. When we first meet her she is simply a dog lover. A lover of a specific dog, Pencil. When the dog dies she knows who truly is at fault...herself. But rather than deal with that possibilty she begins a journey of blaming others and exhibiting over the top behavior to compensate for her own guilt. Which I believe she realizes late in the film when there is a flashback of the dog in the yard at night, but she is still unable to overcome it.
The character is ultimately a tragic character with heroic delusions.
Didn't like the flick, but can't go wrong with Cat Stevens - I Love My Dog.
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