For Shame Molly Shannon
For Shame Molly Shannon
What a horrible, horrible, horrible movie.
A TOTAL slap in the face to every dog owner.
This movie was portrayed in the trailer as a story about a woman who loses her dog, but rescues a new one with a possible romantic relationship growing out of it. Well, it couldn't be more different and made dog owners look like total PETA extremists boardering on terrorists who commit home invasions and attempt the murder of their neighbors after attempting to brain wash toddlers.
This movie also portrayed the German Shepherd Dog as a vicious, anti-social, and impossible to train dog. Of course, that couldn't be further from the truth. As a German Shepherd Dog owner I can attest to the fact that there is no dog breed on this planet that has done more for mankind than the German Shepherd Dog. That is right, next time you use the subway or take a flight guess what breed is most likely protecting you from bombs? When you see a dangerous felon apprehended or a large drug shipment seized guess what breed is most likely to have made it possible? When it is the recovery of lost children or the bodies of loved ones from lonely woods guess what breed is mostly likely to be there? During our darkest hour among the ruins which were the World Trade Center and Pentagon guess what breed was there in that time of need? The answer is clearly the German Shepherd Dog that noble herding dog from Germany so protective of its flock and gentle that many have made the ultimate sacrifice for their owners in wars they could have never understood. The German Shepherd Dog that long recognized loyal companion of the blind and crippled. FOR SHAME to Molly Shannon and everyone else involved in this movie for their defamation. FOR SHAME.