Great movie!

I really enjoyed this movie and would definitely recommend it to others. I think a lot of people have misconstrued what the movie is actually highlighting...people and their obsessions.

Yes, the movie heavily focuses on animal rights (but it is careful to remain neutral about it) through 'Peggy', played by Molly Shannon, but what about the obsessions of the boss (money and believing he is "the bones of this organisation")? Or the sister-in-law (played by Laura Dern) being obsessed with her children to the point where she believes her nanny is drugging the kids? What about Molly's neighbour's obsessions with hunting?

They're all quirky characters, and all of them, at some point in the movie, are shown up as being obsessive in some way. Peggy's just happens to bubble over to a level most people would perceive as being anti-social. But, as the end of the movie demonstrates, she finds the healthy and happy medium between being obsessed with animal rights and just supporting them.
